Can you tell what size is your cone of vision? Look to what degree your live is fragmented…

pie7areas-splitYour vibration, your creativity, your truth value all depends on your cone of vision… But until you see that you have a narrow cone of vision, that you look at things with narrow cone of vision, or a narrow filter, you won’t want to make it wider.

Wide cone of vision means inclusive… narrow cone of vision is exclusive… exclusive of areas that you KNOW don’t matter, don’t belong, or you don’t like them. Exclusive because you KNOW the answer…

The most exciting insights first show up in the corner of your eyes… Which means they are literally outside of your cone of vision.

One way I see this is how attac

How do I do the 67 steps that my life is on an upswing?

confusedI watch, or better said, listen to the next 67-step when I have time, maybe even hours, to ponder. Commuting time, making dinner, doing the laundry are perfect times for that. Instead of what other people do, listen to music or some other crap, I ponder. Seriously. I limit the input onto my life to maximum two hours a day… and the input needs to be worth its weight in gold.

When I tried to answer the questions, when I started this program, immediately after the exposure to the lesson, I was pitiful, much like you all. Pitiful, shallow, narr

One reason you have no peace inside… And how you could…

awarenessI just discovered that the version of the Freecell game is “forgiving”, i.e. you can go back more than one step… “start over again” without a penalty point.

This makes the game an even better modeling tool than it used to be.

I always suspected that the first step really decides the rest of the journey… but being a Quickstart… jumping-without-thinking-type-of-person, this would not have

Swim or sink… do or die

to be in a sink or swim situation, you first need to jumpinto the waterThis morning my main computer quietly died.

Times like this are the real tests whether the capacities are working or not.

Suddenly I had no access to anything that is on that computer, not the data, not the software, and I had a few choices: go crazy, go out of business, or bring resiliency, aka mental toughness to carry the day.

It’s Tuesday, and a few minutes after the death of my trusty computer, I went downstairs and to my weekly outing to the chiropractor and to the gro

Are your actions effective? Constructive? And if not, why?

This may be the most important article for you to read… Don’t complain that I didn’t warn you!

One of the things mainstream (all the gurus) get wrong is this: they consider you a constant in opportunities. Constant as in fixed… As if you were the same when you are afraid, and when you are confident…

You are not constant until you are on the vibrational level of above 900. How do I know? Because I can see the difference in me and in my ability to act constructively, even though I am above 900.

Let me explain: The YOU, the watcher, the Observer, the maker of decisions is not constant.

Even mainstream can see that, but they don’t know what changes when you go from putz, ineffective, flailing limp dick to someone who can take effective actions.

They think it has something to do with your beliefs. That if you implant a belief in you then you will see what to do, and you’ll know how to go about effective actions, including the seeing, the words, the strategy.

Or they

Updated: Albert Einstein said: No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it. Could this be applied to consciousness training?

I am very lucky: the questions my students send me have caused me to have a deeper understanding for my own work.

These students are often seeking new insights in their pressing circumstances from me. Lately it is all about making a decision to go or leave, to let go or to fight.

It is a huge responsibility to talk to people who are looking for answers.

If they use the insights I give them and don’t make them their own, they run the risk of making a decision “because” I said so.

One of my students asked “is it a matter of meditating over this decision now?”

This particular student has been a meditator for five years. The particular form of meditation he is doing with some master is to open up his ability to gain insight from All-of-it.

And this seemingly intelligent move, to meditate to gain insight is what I want to talk about today.
If you are a “normal” human being, brought up by parents or caregivers, if you went to school, if

Lack of confidence? Difficulty to trust yourself? This article is a must read if you want to become confident!

Lacking confidence?
Summary: An enlightened being is confident. Confident in their ability to be a match to whatever life throws at them, and therefore they don’t fret, don’t sit around, they do what it takes to achieve what they set out to achieve.
A confident person can do almost anything….

Go read the rest of the article

Attitude in relation to yourself: your self-esteem

Attitude: the most potent invisible builder or invisible destroyer of your life, of your dreams, of your results, of your relationships. It is invisible to you, but glaringly obvious to others. Isn’t it time you took an inventory and start changing your attitudes, one by one.

Attitude, the most misunderstood word in the world… A holographic approach to attitude adjustment

Attitude is everything. If you take two people with the exact same circumstances, one will thrive, the other will shrink and perish. Attitude is your relationship to things. But not ‘relationship as an outward issue,’ but an internal issue. An attitude is relationship invented and expressed in language. It was invented, chosen, consciously, or unconsciously, in language. Mostly internal language, between you and you… you call them thoughts, but it is really a speaking you did… a decision, a judgment, a conclusion about you, about another, about the world.