How Actual Smart People Talk About Themselves

This is an article from The Atlantic… Hint: not by discussing IQ The I here is James Fallows… although I tend to agree with him. this is a companion article to my previous article on self-esteem…

If you just want to know what people who are actually smart think of themselves… talk about themselves, jump there…
by James Fallows Jan 6, 2018 Science

I’ve never met or interviewed Donald Trump, though like most of the world I feel amply exposed to his outlooks and styles of expression. So I can’t say whether, in person, he somehow conveys the edge, the sparkle, the ability to connect, the layers of meaning that we usually associate with both emotional and analytical intelligence.

But I have had the chance over the years to meet and interview a large sampling of people whom the world views the way Trump views himself. That is, according to this mornin

Can you tell what size is your cone of vision? Look to what degree your live is fragmented…

pie7areas-splitYour vibration, your creativity, your truth value all depends on your cone of vision… But until you see that you have a narrow cone of vision, that you look at things with narrow cone of vision, or a narrow filter, you won’t want to make it wider.

Wide cone of vision means inclusive… narrow cone of vision is exclusive… exclusive of areas that you KNOW don’t matter, don’t belong, or you don’t like them. Exclusive because you KNOW the answer…

The most exciting insights first show up in the corner of your eyes… Which means they are literally outside of your cone of vision.

One way I see this is how attac

Are You Expanding or Contracting?

As I am working to fully distinguish what it is to be an expanding personality , (click to read the glossary!)and going through famous and not so famous people, muscle testing if they are, were, or ever were expanding , including me… I am starting to see something that I have never seen before. You may not know, but this very moment, I am not expanding . I am more like trying to hold onto something for dear life