Average face per country… computer generated. Fascinating.

FaceResearch.org has published the results of a recent experiment where experimental psychologists at the University of Glasgow in Scotland have combined the faces of men and women around to world to approximate the “average face” of each country. Using a modern version of the technique that Sir Francis Galton pioneered in the 1800—²s, multiple images of faces are aligned and composited together to form the final result.

Updated: Vibrational Reviews: Bending God, Eric Robeson, DNA activation, Rose Rosetree, Bodytalk, John Veltheim, Christopher Pinckley, Carl Jung,…

Rose Rosetree ENERGY SPIRITUALITY and energetic literacy EMPATH EMPOWERMENT, AURA READING, FACE READING and ENLIGHTENMENT COACHING Personal sessions: aura healing and transformation, regression therapy, cutting cords of attachment. Rose Rosetree personal vibration: 190; truth value: 7% www.rose-rosetree.com/Update: Beware, Rose Rostree … Continue reading

Osho on money and happiness

If you ask anyone, they all want to be happy. But happiness eludes people, the more you want it the further it goes. In this talk, Osho addresses the issue. He approaches it from many different angles, blaming it on your parents, blaming it on society, and then finally he gives you a glimpse of …

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Osho on Knowledge and Knowing


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Osho: Players Of A Game… being extraordinary is the most ordinary

In this whole series, Osho examines a piece of poem or a story from a world culture that is spiritually meaningful. This poem is Japanese. Osho distinguishes being in the present, not being in the past, not being in the future, not desiring the present different from what it is.

Ultimately, this is the path to joy and happiness… Please read.

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Updated: Albert Einstein said: No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it. Could this be applied to consciousness training?

I am very lucky: the questions my students send me have caused me to have a deeper understanding for my own work.

These students are often seeking new insights in their pressing circumstances from me. Lately it is all about making a decision to go or leave, to let go or to fight.

It is a huge responsibility to talk to people who are looking for answers.

If they use the insights I give them and don’t make them their own, they run the risk of making a decision “because” I said so.

One of my students asked “is it a matter of meditating over this decision now?”

This particular student has been a meditator for five years. The particular form of meditation he is doing with some master is to open up his ability to gain insight from All-of-it.

And this seemingly intelligent move, to meditate to gain insight is what I want to talk about today.
If you are a “normal” human being, brought up by parents or caregivers, if you went to school, if

Mind Bug #1: Knowing

The first and most important bug is KNOWING

In the Bible, in Aramaic, the verb “know” means living with, sleeping with. Intellectual knowing is a different word.

In today’s word knowing is one of those words that have many meanings. The purpose of calling many things with the same word is …

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Not all complaints are created equal plus a funny story to wake you up

This article may be the most important article you’ll ever read… This is not an exaggeration. Any day is a good day to wake up, but around these weeks of greed and herdlike stomping to get more stuff, it is especially a good time. So, as you understand, this is a wake up article…

We all say we hate complainers. And we all complain.

But is there any form of complaint that is not a downer, that is not a racket, that is a good thing?

I like to watch entire series of television shows on Netflix. If I don’t like it, I just start another one. No commercials, no TV needed, easy.

I watched Foyle’s War, a British series, and I was encouraged: well written, well played. So I started to watch a Swedish series, Wallander. Five stars… must be good.

Go read the rest of the article http://www.yourvibration.com/14069/complaint/

Panache Desai’s Soul Signature… Dissolving Density Programs and why they don’t work

Any program that talks to your mind, the automatic thinking mind, is doomed to fail. But first it will titillate, soothe, much like a lullaby of a mother.
Why cannot they change you, and actually move you up where your soul wants to go?
Because you are stuck on low levels, young levels, and to…

Go read the rest of the article http://www.yourvibration.com/13282/panache-desai/

You live in a machine and you feed, unwittingly, the machine

Every single human (and to a certain degree lots of animals) has automatic ways of being, that could be called a machine, because their behavior is predictable, it is machine-like. Push a button and outcomes the same result, every time.
Every person I know is, more or less, an emotional wreck……

Go read the rest of the article http://www.yourvibration.com/12885/machine/