Reality, filtered, is not reality… it’s unreality. You only have power when you interact with reality directly

composite_sketchesWhat is happening when you can’t see what is in front of you, only your mind, only the filter?

There are several reasons why you wouldn’t be able to see and respond correctly to what is in front of you.

  1. Reason 1: you start verbalizing what is in front of you, which puts you right in your mind, together with the memories…I call that going to the morass, where you no longer see what you see, it is now displaced by some verbal interpretation… which is not what you are looking at… but a shadow of it.It is invisible to you…

    You really think that you are interacting

An Atlantic article: What does ISIS really want?


What ISIS Really Wants

from the Atlantic

The Islamic State is no mere collection of psychopaths. It is a religious group with carefully considered beliefs, among them that it is a key agent of the coming apocalypse. Here’s what that means for its strategy—and for how to stop it.

What is the Islamic State?

Where did it come from, and what are its intentions? The simplicity of these questions can be deceiving, and few Western leaders seem to know the answers. In December, The New York Times published confidential comme

What are we going for when we ask you to use your activated capacities?

the-beasts-transformationWhat we go for is transformation.

Transformation is the magical seeming phenomenon when from one moment to the other, the world changes in front of our very eyes.
Of course the world argues that you can do anything you put your mind to, but this is a lie. You can do anything that you have the DNA capacities to do.

Capacities can be interpreted as abilities, but there is only a correlation. Talent would be a closer approximation of what DNA capacity is.

I have participated in transformational education for the past 30 years. Mos

You want to be special but you don’t want to do anything for it… not really.

mental states illustration... making energy visibleI was researching this whole Third Eye humbug on the internet.

Of all the “supernatural” abilities people want, this seems to take the prize!

People want to be special, want to stand out, what to amaze people, but they don’t want to pay the price. Please check if you are part of “people”. My hunch is that if you tell the truth, you’ll find that you are.

Now, what is wrong with this picture?

It violates fundamental spiritual laws.

What are spiritual laws? Why are they spiritual?

Spiritual laws are the laws of the invisible. Energy, for example. Energy is invisible. It can be made

The distinction between behavior and capacity… doing and being

self-trustA new student of mine writes:

I think self trust is a big challenge for me, and building self trust is necessary as a foundation before I can trust others and build authentic relationships. I gain self trust by genuinely provide value and service to others. There is no short cut in gaining self trust and trust from others, and I need to build my skills and deliver my value solidly step by step, like building from the ground up to a skyscraper.

In my current choice in career path between the two opportunities, the important thing to consider is not what job it is, but rather which job allows me to use my skills to provide

What is the real cost of not having The Sight and Appreciation DNA capacity?

cost-of-coffeeWhat is the real cost of not having The Sight and Appreciation DNA capacity?

Now that I have quite a few of you have these new capacities activated, I have an insight into the cost of not having had the DNA capacity active before… and to not have it be activated now, when you can.

My conversation with a guy from Holland is a good way to see the cost of not having “The Sight” activated:

He asks a valid question: (If this looks familiar, the first few comments are also in another article… just stay with it, it is worth your time. You’ll see yourself, and that is priceless.)

is it possible t

What can be activated? Can intelligence be activated? Does your IQ change your results?

guaranteed-iq-success-guaranteed-bsWhat can be activated? Can intelligence be activated?

Intelligence cannot be activated because it is NOT one gene… it is a lot of genes.

A client of mine recently inherited a company where he had been working for some 20 years. He wants the company to stay as successful as it was under his father’s direction. He sees what’s qualities his father had that are missing for him are these:

  1. charisma
  2. confidence
  3. assertive
  4. risk taker
  5. intuitive

There i

Read this article if you plan to remain one of my clients or students

A spiritual practice like no other… are you doing it?

What makes the “Stranger than Fiction” type of narration work like gangbusters to get you out of your head?

Stranger-better-than-Fiction-will-ferrell-272971_1024_768To my surprise not many people take advantage of the opportunity to watch a good movie and steal a habit that can be called a spiritual practice that can take you from a victim of your mind, to as near a human being as you can get in a few months’ time.

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Self-possessed… living from the Witness position, living from Consciousness


The question in your life is: who possesses who? Who possesses what?

But the answer to that question, albeit it is fashionable to think that the guy/gal with the most toys wins, will surprise you: the person who possesses himself wins, every step of the way.

I pretty much don’t know anyone with any level of self-possession: it can be measured.

People are like leaves blowing in the wind, flotsam on the ocean… out of control, hoping for a favorable wind… lacking what can only developed by rigorous practice.

Rigorous? Practice? Please stop laughing… you are out of control!

But like anything of value,

Updated: Humility: What Is It And Why Should You Have It? Is Being Humble Meek? Powerless? Stupid? Get Ready To Be Surprised!

humility? tongue in cheek, of courseSometimes guidance comes from a student or client request.

Today I heard from a long time client who never managed to go from a to be… despite of the many courses she came to.

She had a difficult time accessing an activator, part of the Second Phase Activators (I downloaded more than 100 activators in that course!). I checked and she was right, somehow the video got corruteed in the more than three years it was moved around…

I listened to it and it dawned on me that without activating humility, of course you’ll never learn anything. Anything new, I mean.

Here is the article I wrote at the time, and in the meantime I am trying to rescue