How, what you don’t know that you don’t know, is biting you… and you can’t see what bit you without help

youDontKnowYouDontKnowHow, what you don’t know that you don’t know, is biting you… and you can’t see what bit you without help

If I asked you what it is that you don’t know that you don’t know… no matter how long you looked, you would not see anything, because it is either that you don’t know or the question is stupid.

But everything that is missing for you to know is in that: what you don’t know that you don’t know.

The question is: is there a way to see what you don’t know that you don’t know? The answer is: yes… other people’s blind spots are different from y

Reality, filtered, is not reality… it’s unreality. You only have power when you interact with reality directly

composite_sketchesWhat is happening when you can’t see what is in front of you, only your mind, only the filter?

There are several reasons why you wouldn’t be able to see and respond correctly to what is in front of you.

  1. Reason 1: you start verbalizing what is in front of you, which puts you right in your mind, together with the memories…I call that going to the morass, where you no longer see what you see, it is now displaced by some verbal interpretation… which is not what you are looking at… but a shadow of it.It is invisible to you…

    You really think that you are interacting

Design Contest? Can You Help?

Now that we have the Heaven on Earth Energy bundle in a bottle, we need a bottle label, about 2×4 inches. I am thinking of running a design contest for the design. But: I don’t know how to run a contest. I don’t have time for this. So, as usual, I would resort to designing the label myself