You can have anything but not at the same time

4 door sports car: being a winnerLife, happiness, well-being, prosperity is achieved and maintained only on a narrow and hemmed-in path (the strait), the opposite of what you wish it were, the opposite you see others have, the opposite you see on television, on ads.

You have been duped. You have swallowed the lie, hook, line and sinker and you have been paying the price.

Your life is empty, purposeless, meaningless, and you have nothing to look forward to.

Last night I was pondering, instead of sleeping, ((which is quickly becoming my new habit, I mean not sleeping,)) what is the behavioral, emo

Learning lessons the hard way… or the easy way… Part 2

thought experimentThe brilliance in the movie, “It’s a wonderful life” is that the angel creates a thought experiment what the world would be like if our hero hadn’t been born.

Thought experiments are uniquely human: animals don’t do thought experiments.

The minimum intelligence required to create a thought experiment is 70… and I am not talking about IQ measured intelligence, I am talking about overall intelligence.

The average intelligence in the world is 50… But all my site’s visitors qualify.

So let’s look at

Do you feel banged up? By life, by people? Listen up!

STOP GETTING IN YOUR OWN WAYWhen Tai asks you, what is in the way of you growing, and starting to live the good life, most people have a ready answer. An answer they are sure is true. And an answer that they had seen a million times.

What no one seems to consider, that the saying “how you do anything is how you do everything” is more of a reason than you would consider.

One of them shows up an awful lot on my site: assuming to know. That is a how… falsely certain.

Falsely certain about what?

You are sure yo

Making choices: are you a rank amateur?

Risk-Management-2This may be the most important article you read this year, this decade… because this article may inspire you to become a professional at living, instead of remaining a rank amateur… aka bumbling idiot.

Risk Management

You have two options. You need to choose. You need to choose the option that has the lower cost to your reproductive success if it turns out to be wrong.

Now, I suspect, that almost none of us think about cost in terms of reproductive success, but according to evolutionary psychology, you are a mere vehicle to your genes, your genes are only inte

It’s hard to be silently brilliant. Lots of thoughts occur when you open your mouth.

eb3bf6d2bcf2ecaf1ee944306d115dd2Some days I have nothing to say. It doesn’t feel like there is anything to say that needs to be said.

Some people never have anything to say and they talk all the time. Others think that they have to first formulate it in their heads to say it, and it never comes together.

Professional thinkers, writers know that “it is hard to be silently brilliant. Lots of thoughts occur wen you open your mouth.”

Thinking is a lot like digging for gold. Someone or something has to hold the dirt, or you can’t get beneath it.

For something worth thinking, something worth saying

Growth is like a spiral… only when you have made a full circle… that you see it

taking-a-showerThe 67 steps spiral… second take… I am at step two… and can see the territory I have covered.

There are a few incredibly useful distinctions in the 67 step program.

Of course, if you listen to the audios through the filter: true/false, right/wrong, agree/don’t agree, you’ll miss them all.

And it’s a pity.

How do I listen? I have said it before: I listen in theta mode… i.e. as if I were taking a shower. I get wet.

I don’t pick and choose which water droplet is right or wrong, true or false, and I don’t evaluate everyth

Warning: this is a rant… don’t read it if you want to keep on dreaming

not a path to becoming a millionaireWarning: this is a rant… don’t read it if you want to remain hopeful

I had a few insights today, one of them suddenly answers a question I didn’t ask before.

The question I didn’t ask was: how come the people with nothing of real value to say occupy the top 1% of the internet?

This is what happened? I saw an email that offered a list of 241 top influencers on the internet. I looked at the list, and there was not one person who had anything to say that could make the world a better place for h

Lovely Mind Candy: The problem isn’t that life is unfair – it’s your broken idea of fairness

If-life-was-fair-2Article is by Oliver Emberton

Unless you’re winning, most of life will seem hideously unfair to you.

he truth is, life is just playing by different rules.

The real rules are there. They actually make sense. But they’re a bit more complicated, and a lot less comfortable, which is why most people never manage to learn them.

Let’s try.

Rule #1: Life is

The secret sauce that makes you start having joy in your life

fox_and_hare, dinner or life?The fox and the hare tale: Why does a rabbit run faster than a fox?  Because while the fox is running for his dinner, the rabbit is running for his life.  All of life works the same way…

I have noticed that take-away, as a manipulation technique, works exceptionally well on me.

Here is how the technique works: you show something, and you state that it is only available at this price for a limited amount of time.

I find myself scrambling to get it.

Merry Christmas

Pink-RC-HelicopterIn this article I will quote the email of the most successful Internet Marketer I know. He makes many millions of dollars for himself a year, helping other entrepreneurs make even more millions for themselves. He has 30 active DNA capacities open and used every day.

I admire him. If my “product” had more mass appeal, I would hire him to work with me… but alas, my “product”, personal evolution, isn’t popular… you’ll see why in the email… you’ll see a symptom of it… he, Frank Kern talks addresses it.

OK, here is the email he wrote to his entrepreneur prospects: