What I am learning from watching the World War II in color series? Evil? Incompetence?

hitler-nazis-wwiiI am watching the series on Netflix, World War II in color.

I am watching it through the filter, through the glasses of the spiritual capacities encoded in the DNA…

These spiritual capacities enable humanity to live in peace, to grow, to allow individuals to grow, to allow Heaven on Earth.

You need to know some personal stuff about me: I am the child of Holocaust survivors. Out of a big family, only my parents, and three second cousins survived.

But I am also an empath, a

Reality, filtered, is not reality… it’s unreality. You only have power when you interact with reality directly

composite_sketchesWhat is happening when you can’t see what is in front of you, only your mind, only the filter?

There are several reasons why you wouldn’t be able to see and respond correctly to what is in front of you.

  1. Reason 1: you start verbalizing what is in front of you, which puts you right in your mind, together with the memories…I call that going to the morass, where you no longer see what you see, it is now displaced by some verbal interpretation… which is not what you are looking at… but a shadow of it.It is invisible to you…

    You really think that you are interacting

Locked in? locked out? limited?

we feel locked out from most nice things in lifeIn Hungary, in some high schools, you can choose, at age 15-ish to pursue “real” or “humanities”.

Real is sciences, reasoning, math, physics, geometry, chemistry heavy.

Humanities… lots of words, I think. I chose “real” for myself.

I was bad at everything that talks ABOUT stuff, and great, sometimes exceptional in the non-verbal subjects.

Architects don’t talk either. Don’t listen either. So, in that regard it was a good match, and yet, I wasn’t happy.

I guess I wanted to think with words too. In every project I was chosen to w

What can be activated? Can intelligence be activated? Does your IQ change your results?

guaranteed-iq-success-guaranteed-bsWhat can be activated? Can intelligence be activated?

Intelligence cannot be activated because it is NOT one gene… it is a lot of genes.

A client of mine recently inherited a company where he had been working for some 20 years. He wants the company to stay as successful as it was under his father’s direction. He sees what’s qualities his father had that are missing for him are these:

  1. charisma
  2. confidence
  3. assertive
  4. risk taker
  5. intuitive

There i

The anatomy of missing the mark


  1. Have you been wondering why public services and big companies employ semi-morons for customer service?

    I am, I think, supposed to mention this, given how many times it has happened in the past week.

    Not every customer service person acts stupid, only most of them.

    So what is their stupidity about? They only hear what they know. The filter of their mind screens out everything that is not the three-four basic issues: refund request, payment plan request, return request… you know the kind most people will have.

    For every issue outside of the ones that the solution is standardized, the cu

Spiritual practice: Recognizing yourself in another, considering the other a mirror

mirror-effectThis is probably the most politically incorrect post I have ever written… I could not find a picture to illustrate it on the whole world wide web.

Why is it politically incorrect? Because the current Dark Side suggestion is that you are perfect the way you are, and your job is to forgive yourself any faults, if you even have any, and keep looking to the outside where other people are worse than you…. Dark Side suggestions are designed to keep you miserable and powerless till you die… ((I teach you to be powerful, not to fancy yourself powerful, while you are lying to yourself. It was very cl

How to get love, beauty, magic back into your life?

Recently I found myself finding my life blah. So I set out to regain my will to live… because with blah comes no will to leave, much like when you are forced to eat tasteless food, you lose your will to eat.

I also noticed that the color faded from my language. People stopped complimenting me on the turn of phrases, the expressions, the metaphors I used… because I stopped using them.

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What is energized water?

This article explains what is energized water, what energizing does to the water, the difference between water in nature or from your tap, and energized water.

A few years ago I had a conversation with a well known guru. I shared with him that energized water is amazingly smooth, easy to …

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How to develop the capacity to ask intelligent questions that also alter your reality?

Yesterday I had a long conversation with one of my students. I suddenly had an insight into soul correction, that had been hidden from my view before.

How did I get to that insight? I asked different questions.

Asking different questions is one of the missings for you. On the level of human, this is ultimately the most important factor that the lack of it is holding you back from “ascending” to the next level of evolution where you can create your state of being at will.

Our upbringing, our education, our culture, our society, does not like questions. Especially different questions. Poking questions.

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Where does the truth I write come from? Stream of consciousness.

I write the largest chunks of surprising truths that way. Something triggers it, and there it comes… Quick, to the computer!

I read Kathryn’s comment on the Worry article, and something clicked.

Everyone says: you need to remove your filters. You need to remove blockages. Bad beliefs, about yourself and the world. It’s not working. Not for anyone… ok, maybe a few.

What if the reason no one is succeeding with those “techniques” is because that is not the right method to do it?

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