The Producers, The Takers, The Waiters, The Hopers, The Wanters… Which One Are You?

magic button In this article I am going to examine what it is that separates from Producers from Hunters and gatherers

I had a conversation with my friend, Nancy F., yesterday. The topic of the conversation, after some wild twists and turns, settled on what is the secret of Jewish people’s success.

Nancy F. has always wanted what Jews had, without having to be a Jew… lol.

I don’t have a lot to say about that, even though I am reading a book about it. Why? Because being that way is like the air I breathe, invisible.

You know, like water for the fish is not there. Until the fish jumps out of the water, looks down, and gasps: Water! Then the fish splashes back into the water and water disappears for him.

Spending m

Spiritual practice: Recognizing yourself in another, considering the other a mirror

mirror-effectThis is probably the most politically incorrect post I have ever written… I could not find a picture to illustrate it on the whole world wide web.

Why is it politically incorrect? Because the current Dark Side suggestion is that you are perfect the way you are, and your job is to forgive yourself any faults, if you even have any, and keep looking to the outside where other people are worse than you…. Dark Side suggestions are designed to keep you miserable and powerless till you die… ((I teach you to be powerful, not to fancy yourself powerful, while you are lying to yourself. It was very cl

There Is No Such Thing As "Instant Healing"

Tweet There is no such thing as “instant healing”. “Instant healing” is the tool of the looters and the drug of the moochers. If we compared you to

Are you a moocher, a looter, or a producer?

Tweet Each of these is a distinction, moocher, looter, producer. Your belonging to one of these categories can be considered a sliding scale or a pregnant/not pregnant absolute, depending on your capacity to look at existence and not feel compelled … Continue reading →Read More