Spiritual practice: Recognizing yourself in another, considering the other a mirror

mirror-effectThis is probably the most politically incorrect post I have ever written… I could not find a picture to illustrate it on the whole world wide web.

Why is it politically incorrect? Because the current Dark Side suggestion is that you are perfect the way you are, and your job is to forgive yourself any faults, if you even have any, and keep looking to the outside where other people are worse than you…. Dark Side suggestions are designed to keep you miserable and powerless till you die… ((I teach you to be powerful, not to fancy yourself powerful, while you are lying to yourself. It was very clear in yesterday’s talk to me session… watch the replay))

But the picture and quote I found is true, even if no one understands it. Oh well…

The other day I watched this British comedian mock Robert Pattinson’s acting. I don’t know the actor he was talking about, but I recognized myself having, somewhat the same relationship with some gurus that, in my view, don’t deserve the adulation and the millions of dollars they make, while I “should”.

It was humbling to look at myself through a different filter… Very humbling.

A student of mine writes (forgive the broken English):

I see a lot of ugliness in people around me… I have a gossipy nature, I want to find out more about other people.

I see my relatives are all moochers feeling very entitled. Their hidden agenda is to get some benefits or money off of you. Some use sweet talk and blood relations to get close. Some don’t pretend, they feel that they are entitled to receive goodies and it is never enough. I was very angry when I found out my aunt has been secretively keeping money to herself from my mom’s account. I don’t like how she is being so secretive, stingy and always wants to get benefits from my mom.

People are practical and money driven.

I show my distaste when I see females who are vain and dress just to impress. I know I am afraid to unleash my femininity.

My answer to her:

I am in the middle of writing an article on yet another article on a spiritual practice: “consider other people a mirror.”

If you see ugly AND it bothers you, then you are seeing yourself… just somebody beat you to the goodies you seek.

I know it will take some time to be willing to see it, but until you can – without much of an emotional response – see greed, manipulation, being entitled, wanting something for nothing, it is envy is speaking: they get away with something you don’t think you can get away, they have the courage to be bad that you don’t have the courage to do.

As long as you have an emotional response, you are not better than them.

I have to confront this every day: I am still not better in some areas, similar to yours… and I am gaining ground, and become a better person, but it takes telling the truth and the truth stings, the truth hurts. I should know.

I know you can do it. I also know you are willing. But this is the hardest thing you’ve ever done.

Let me know how it’s going.

Much love, by the way.

What is the basis of this mirror effect?

You cannot see anything you can’t see in yourself… this is so true, that it is even true: you cannot feel anything you don’t have a name for.

You have to feel it first, and then you can look for what it’s called. But you can’t imagine a feeling you haven’t had.

Just like you cannot imagine a future that is not some variation of the past.

This is how the human mind works… and unless you are clear about it, everyone can dupe you, take you to the cleaners.

Even an empath is only worth as much as many feelings and emotions they have experienced. And those are the feelings and emotions and attitudes they can recognize, identify, and help you with.

All the goddam’ gurus that talk about enlightenment, and consciousness recognizing itself, and other things, is just talk. Given their vibrational frequency I am sure, I am certain, that they are just hot air, they had never experienced what they are talking about.

Even my favorite, Osho, is a bullshit artist… sigh…

So, if this is so, how do you get to the next level in anything?

Great question.

You get to the next level unconsciously sometimes, but because you have no word, because you have no recognition, no reference point, you can’t sustain it.

But that is the path.

Good spiritual exercises take you to the next level. If at that point someone who is at that level or above it can be asked, they will give you words… Words make something conscious and yours…

The correct words. Words that mean what you mean.

So, what are you supposed to do now?

You are best to always poke at the box, your box, and seek new areas, new experiences, new actions that alternately scare you or excite you.

Then ask me… I am here, and there is probably only a few things I cannot authentically identify for you…

Having gone through hell and more hell, and then heaven and higher heaven, with my eyes open, I am uniquely qualified to assist you.

But you need to take the actions.

It is impossible to start with word and follow with experience. Experience first, words second.

Action first, words second.

The spiritual practices give you good, constructive actions that take you to break new ground.

Read the rest of the article: Spiritual practice: Recognizing yourself in another, considering the other a mirror

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