Double your reading speed… would that be really good for you?

One famous marketer is filling my mail box with emails to double the speed of my reading. I used to jump on offers like that, I have taken three different speed reading classes, one even back in Hungary.

It seemed to me, like it probably seems to you, that getting the knowledge out of the written word faster would double your knowledge, and maybe double your success.

It makes sense, doesn’t it?

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I think I have finally hit the magic button. I am starting to drop weight without trying

I think I have finally hit the magic button. I am starting to drop weight without trying

As you know my history: I was skinny til age 10
I was normal till age 16
I was fat till age 24
I was skinny till age 38
I was normal till age 55
I was fat till age 58
The last few years I would have to tell you, month to month… I was trying hard for a few years… lol
I am now on the highest side of normal, close to fat. Fully clothed I now weigh 143 lbs.

When I looked back, and believe me, I spent a lot of time looking from many different vantage points, I found the following:

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‘Skeptical’ neurologist works to separate science from sham

Neurologist Steven Novella treats patients with  neuromuscular conditions where the brain fails to communicate with the rest of the body.

And as a hobby, he is a myth-buster in hot pursuit of the too good, too strange to be true — systematically proving that there is rarely anything new …

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Inspirational quotes that make you to feel worthless… How Facebook destroys humanity

Someone gave me a framed poster some 20 years ago. I have hated it that long… Today it became useful.
Some of the inspirational quotes we read are not inspirational at all, until we get to a place that they are useful. Inspiration as a momentary good feeling is useless, or even harmful. In the…

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Diet Conspiracy, Conspiracy Diet

As you already know, I consider the root of all evil a conspiracy: consciously misleading, consciously training you to be a zombie, so they can harvest your money, so they can harvest your power for their own purposes.
Am I a conspiracy theorist? No. I am a conspiracy reversal activist: I train…

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Conspiracy: Why you don’t like yourself, your behavior, your looks, and your life?

More conspiracy theories that can open your eyes
Could you identify the many ways you don’t like yourself an your life?
Most likely, these areas are areas where conspiracy distorted your behavior, distorted your thinking, distorted your expectations.
Consciously, willfully, with malicious…

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The conspiracy to keep you miserable, wretched, and limited

Sophie Benshitta Maven

or How everything you know, everything you ever learned from others, everything is being taught makes you miserable, and unable to become an Expanding Human Being I woke up this morning with crystal clear upsight: if you have a because … Continue reading →

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Raise Your Vibration: Connect To Source teaches you how to connect to Source (God?) so you can live your life’s purpose, get answers, more
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Related Posts:A great story… and a question: Compassion or conspiracy to keep things the same, grow the dark side, stay the same?Will the Soul in you cry when it’s time to die, or is it going sigh a sigh of relief that the boredom is ending?What does it mean to raise the vibration?The New World Order: How It Sneaks Up On YouWhen you get angry…

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How can YOU connect to YOUR Soul? And when you do, what do you ask for? Are you eating soup with a fork?

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A Great Story… and a Question: Compassion or Conspiracy to Keep Things the Same, Grow the Dark Side, Stay the Same?

Here is a story I lifted from an email I got. I liked it. Then I got a phone call. And suddenly it had a bigger lesson than what the original story teller meant to give you

Guru X and the attack on my webinar account: who is going to win?

Guru X and the attack on my webinar account: who is going to win? Remember: Evil is “desire for the self alone” at someone else’s expense, or violating another’s right to free will. Dark Side therefore the “conspiracy” of humans to continue living with “desire for the self alone.” I don’t think that there is such an entity “Dark Side.” There are people whose whole life was built on the foundation of evil, or at least their business. For example, Guru X has his eyes on world domination