Where is the Value? Money Series Part 3 Republished

value vs price

Value ((Please note that in this article, in all my articles about money, I will talk about extrinsic values, values that can be bought for money. Stuff, comfort, status. The other two types of values, Intrinsic value and systemic value cannot be bought. More in my articles about axiology.)) is in the eye of the buyer

I have had a great day. In a conversation with Sarah I started to see what are some of the things you need help with.

It’s become clear that creating an inventory is going to be difficult for you, so I am going to create detailed instructions to help you with that.

The second thing is this:

Just because someone’s vibration is low today…

the-future-is-not-set-in-stone-and-even-if-it-was-stone-can-be-broken-quote-1…it doesn’t mean that they are a bad person. Or that vibration, that future is set in stone…

Your vibration is an accurate snapshot of where you are on the vibrational scale today.

Your guru, your spouse, your boss… or yourself could jump to a whole new level of vibration even without any spiritu

Get well first. I can’t take people to spiritual growth unless they are well

health-spiritualitySource says: You can’t take people to spiritual growth, people who are not well… This is the signal I have been waiting for.

To be able to do Source’s work, I have surrendered to giving you what you want.

You want to grow? Then you want to be well? Not my favorite topic, not as high minded as I hoped I will work… but Source says: I can’t take people to spiritual growth, people who are not well.

Maslow has said it, and it should be self evident: unless your basics are covered, money, health, you won’t have any interest and any energy to give to spiritual growth.

So I have surrendered… OK. I’ll g

What is the vibration of being right?

Bus-there-is-probably-no-god-650One of the most desired possibilities, one of the most desired life anyone can have is a life where you are free to be yourself, warts and all.

It is human nature to be self-critical, it is because of our ambivalent nature of feeling everything and the opposite.

There is no one on the planet who is all good. It is not possible. It is a physical impossibility. It’s unnatural.

You have to be good and you have to be bad, and you have to have high t

From my correspondence: Astrological Signs, Are they preventing us from changing lanes?

stuck in a lane by the starsI stumbled on this old post… and it is exactly perfect for the “What’s the truth about you” workshops, so I thought I republish it…


Hi Sophie, I have a question. I would like to know your advice. I recently found an astrological site with natal chart sun decrees interpretations which are scaringly accurate.

I bought your Effortless Abundance Book, three days ago, I do believe one can get much more. My doubt is, can we change lanes? concerning those astrological imprints for a better life?

All the best,

My Answer:

it all depends on

Updated: A Time To Give Thanks. But To Who? For What? Mundane Or Significant? Habit And Duty Or Privilege?

Thanksgiving_bountyI wrote this article five years ago. Sometimes the way to get ahead is to go back five years and start from there.

Recently the readership of this blog has changed, not to my liking. I’d like to return to how it was five years ago, when people with sincere desire to change visited, and asked for help.

OK, here is the old article… hopefully all typos are corrected.

Thanksgiving: a time to give thanks. But to who? For What? Mundane or Significant? Habit and Duty or Privilege?

In searching what I am really thankful for, I went through all the things I could be thankful for.

The ai

If you want the good life, you’ll need to “do” life differently

red-rock-coulee-c2a9-2012-christopher-martin-2406If you want the good life, you’ll need to learn some stuff, and unlearn some stuff… but most importantly you’ll have to learn how to and how not to… Remember the how? How you do anything is how you do everything… it is the approach, the attitude, the beingness.

There are a great many ways you can remain unaccomplished, and left behind in life.

Almost as many ways as many people. This is the Anna Karenina Principle.

As with everything, the strait and narrow work

Updated: Why are there so many fake gurus?

michael jordan taught with his behavior and his attitude. how many listened? not manyI had an interesting insight today.

Recently a man from Switzerland came to the site, bought some of my energy audios, and even came to a call. Although his vibration was very low, he had interesting ideas, and I was excited to work with him.

Today he wrote meĀ  a “Dear John” email, saying

Sophie, …you probably wondered why I did not attend the seminar yesterday.

when trying to connect, my computer refused the connection.this expresses a change of mind I felt yesterday.

I knew, that this path is not for me. t

Why I refused to measure your vibration?

You sent a donation and asked me to measure your vibration.

I refund your money and I say: I can’t connect to you

I refund your money and I say: I am not allowed to connect to you.

In both cases All-of-it signals to me that either you don’t really want me to connect to you, or you are not someone I should mix my energies.

I mostly don’t know what was the real reason, until I get your reaction.

Some people send me company emails. Nothing personal. I sense it, Source knows it. They really are just testing me. No, thank you, I am not playing.

They ask me to remove them from my emails, saying that they lost confidence in me. They never had any.

Some people have the type of low energy that Source says: don’t connect. What it means “low energy”? Want me to make a list? I’d rather list for you what I like to see and feel in people, not what I’d rather stay away from.

I am proud that I have grown enough to respect my own boun

Your consciousness is blocked from flying, your consciousness is starved

caged-consciousnessOne of the reasons the 67 steps coaching is wonderful, is because, done the right way, it leads consciousness on a trip that is both wide and deep. Wider than deep, by the way. But even if you remain on the surface, but go where the steps take you, you can raise your consciousness by a lot.

The insight came to me while sleeping… I was taken somewhere, and I consistently refused to go down a certain “tunnel”…

And that is the life of a human. It is defined more by the places you don’t go than the places you do. Literally