I almost screwed up the date completely… almost.

moon-calendarI am talking about the timing of the Big Power… coming down. But how did it happen? How could I screw up like this?

OK, fair enough. Let’s look how…

I didn’t do enough research and the power has been already coming down like there is no tomorrow.

This article is a tad meandering… you need to just walk with me to get the benefit. If you do, you’ll like it. If you don’t: you’ll hate it. Don’t tell me I didn’t warn you!

I didn’t sleep a wink last night. I was in bed, but not sleeping. The energy was so strong. Now I am starting to understand while, like clockwork, some nights I am so full of energy I can’t sleep… This is new to me too…

On the positive side: The big energy will sti

Methods of getting unstuck… not your garden variety advice

squirrel-stuck-in-a-treeMethods of getting unstuck… If you know you are stuck… in a rut, a behavior, in a cycle, in a predictable outcome, or on a plateau

  1. Method one: What is my context that is keeping me stuck? Who am I being?

    or said in another way: who am I being that is not in alignment with the Original Design…with the intention of the Soul, which is the part of me that comes from the Original Design?

    The Original Design has one main distinction: what is your desire?

    Is your desire for yourself (or your group) alone? Do others, outside of yourself or your group benefit if you receive what you desire?

    Desire for yourself alone i

How to doubly benefit from my articles?


webinar1I love writing articles. I can do audios. But unless I can have a one-on-one conversation with you, I can’t dispell the myths, the “already always” cognitive biases, what you think you know, your prejudices about yourself or about the world…

So, with that said, I’ll like to start something, that will most likely be a flop, but at least I want to test it… maybe it can be a success… who can predict?!

When I write an instructive article, like two of them this week, I can fe

003 What does it take to change into a new career or The art of changing direction and succeed

new-career003_what-does-it-take-to change-into-a-new-career

talking points:

how do you go from one profession to another? having a vague idea is not enough!

  1. learned, school learned profession may give you a process and teach you everything
  2. learning, self-directed needs YOU to build a curriculum, or you’ll fail
  3. law of process, research, guidance, mentors
  4. how do you know what skills to build?

  5. interviewing people
  6. watching movies
  7. reading books

how can you build skills if that is not part of your job?


providing services, small services online/offline through craigslist, fiverr

What other than skills do you need?

  1. process capacity
  2. mental representation aka vision
  3. growth attitude… beginner attitude.

How do you choose the next step if what you are doing in the present isn’t it… but you have no experience in the next profession, the next adventure?

You may have no skills that you know of that would get you a job in the next profession…

But you may have some skills… or why would you want to go that way? After all, the rule of thumb is: go with your strengths… and if you have strengths, you know you have them, because you’ve been using them.

Here is how I did it. The time was 1988 and I was an architect. And that opportunity closed for me…

I did a skill inventory, and found that all my skills at that point were putting ink on paper… writing, drawing, designing… and communicating. With people.

Graphics, design, text, communicating… I decided that the best match was publisher, although I had no idea what I would want to say… Magazine publishing.

I was unemployed, so I spent my time training myself… designing ads, writing ads, and I even apprenticed with a small printer so I had some idea what printing entails.

Then I sent out two resumes to small local pennysavers… that I saw all the time in the supermarket.

One answered, and said that the only job available is advertising sales. That I would get someone to train me…

I said OK… The woman who came to train me (I didn’t have any transportation) gave me a script and went out with me to a few stores to sell advertising.

Next day she went and covered all the stores I could have been able to walk in and sold everyone she could… Dog eat dog is the advertising world.

So I called the other publisher. I told him I sold five ads on my first day… He met me and hired me, even gave me a beat up car to use, so that I can get around and do the job.

I was grateful. I worked 80 hours or more a week. I actively participated on Friday’s meetings when every salesperson brought in what they sold. After two weeks I took over that part of the job, laying out the magazine for Saturday printing.

I even delivered all the magazines to the stores in my sales area.

I busted my ass.

I built enough relationships with customers, typesetters, printers that after 14 months, when the owner felt threatened and kicked me out, I could start, overnight, my own magazine.

After that fateful meeting, when I got kicked out, I called the typesetter, called the printer, and asked for credit for one issue.

I got it. I stayed up all night, and next day at 4 pm my own magazine was in the street.

It was the beginning of a wonderful eleven year run.

What does it take to change into a new career or The art of changing direction and succeed

new-career003_what-does-it-take-to change-into-a-new-career

talking points:

how do you go from one profession to another? having a vague idea is not enough!

  1. learned, school learned profession may give you a process and teach you everything
  2. learning, self-directed needs YOU to build a curriculum, or you’ll fail
  3. law of process, research, guidance, mentors
  4. how do you know what skills to build?

  5. interviewing people
  6. watching movies
  7. reading books

how can you build skills if that is not part of your job?


providing services, small services online/offline through craigslist, fiverr

What other than skills do you need?

  1. process capacity
  2. mental representation aka vision
  3. growth attitude… beginner attitude.

How do you choose the next step if what you are doing in the present isn’t it… but you have no experience in the next profession, the next adventure?

You may have no skills that you know of that would get you a job in the next profession…

But you may have some skills… or why would you want to go that way? After all, the rule of thumb is: go with your strengths… and if you have strengths, you know you have them, because you’ve been using them.

Here is how I did it. The time was 1988 and I was an architect. And that opportunity closed for me…

I did a skill inventory, and found that all my skills at that point were putting ink on paper… writing, drawing, designing… and communicating. With people.

Graphics, design, text, communicating… I decided that the best match was publisher, although I had no idea what I would want to say… Magazine publishing.

I was unemployed, so I spent my time training myself… designing ads, writing ads, and I even apprenticed with a small printer so I had some idea what printing entails.

Then I sent out two resumes to small local pennysavers… that I saw all the time in the supermarket.

One answered, and said that the only job available is advertising sales. That I would get someone to train me…

I said OK… The woman who came to train me (I didn’t have any transportation) gave me a script and went out with me to a few stores to sell advertising.

Next day she went and covered all the stores I could have been able to walk in and sold everyone she could… Dog eat dog is the advertising world.

So I called the other publisher. I told him I sold five ads on my first day… He met me and hired me, even gave me a beat up car to use, so that I can get around and do the job.

I was grateful. I worked 80 hours or more a week. I actively participated on Friday’s meetings when every salesperson brought in what they sold. After two weeks I took over that part of the job, laying out the magazine for Saturday printing.

I even delivered all the magazines to the stores in my sales area.

I busted my ass.

I built enough relationships with customers, typesetters, printers that after 14 months, when the owner felt threatened and kicked me out, I could start, overnight, my own magazine.

After that fateful meeting, when I got kicked out, I called the typesetter, called the printer, and asked for credit for one issue.

I got it. I stayed up all night, and next day at 4 pm my own magazine was in the street.

It was the beginning of a wonderful eleven year run.

Remember: How I learned Hebrew and how it can help you to become the new human being in no time flat

remember Hebrew: you used to know it. Remember who you are: you used to know it.

Motto: Mentor: Someone whose hindsight can become your foresight

Remember who you are

In 1981 I got a letter from a man from Israel. He claimed to be a second cousin on my father’s side to me. He was coming to an educational conference in Hungary. He came with his wife.

We spent time together, they were staying with me, in my one-bedroom high-rise apartment in Budapest. He visited with every member of my family, and witnessed their contempt for me first hand.

He promised to be family to me if I decided to go to Israel.

One year later I packed a suitcase and left Hungary. illegally. It was winter in Hungary when I left, in fact it w

How to grow some balls… at least seemingly

grow-some-balls-2As I have mentioned, I have signed up to an expensive course that teaches a marketing method to pick the right people that are a good match for what I am attempting to do: take a group of people to the level of human being, the next evolutionary level for the species.

Signing up opened a can of worms.

Several daily emails, and a slew of offers, all beyond my need, all beyond my budget.

Today, a week into this campaign, the fifteenth video, the offer is 20 thousand dollars… and I am ready to throw in the towel.

It is like being in a restaurant,

…asking for a bowl of soup… That is what I wanted, that is what I can afford.

But they don’t le

What does the “good food” you eat do to your body?

alzheimers-brain-image_largeMost people’s health number is at or under 10%. Same is the hydration number… at or under 10%. The more you know about your nutrition, the lower is your number.

I know a “star” nutritionist whose number is 5%. Both the health and hydration numbers.

I have found only a few exceptions with higher numbers.

I mean a few… People who are working with me on their health… plus a long time student, plus a long time friend, plus Dr. Joel Wallach.

Download the pdf version of this article at the end

Two tricks to fall asleep earlier so you can avoid not being able to fall asleep

maybe you could sleep if you had more comfortable pajamasLack of sleep is one of the biggest issues of our time. Not because you are doing anything useful, or because you don’t have time to sleep.

This article is about taming your tiredness so you can sleep.

This is one thing no one is talking about… you are too tired to go to bed, you are too tired to go to sleep.

Most of my life I lived a life like this: I would work, intensely, 12-18 hours a day. Then I would be too tired to go to sleep.

I may even get to my bedroom, and sit on the edge of the bed, pr

Want to become a nice person? Here is a clue that you aren’t

Self satisfaction alone cannot determine if a desire or action is positive or negative. The demarcation between a positive and a negative desire or action is not whether it gives you a immediate feeling of satisfaction, but whether it ultimately results in positive or negative consequences.

Every soul correction is about correcting the desire to receive (Light) for the self alone.

If you were born, you have a soul correction.

There is no jumping into “desire for the sake of sha