Are you happy with the results you are getting? Money, happiness, health?

minesweeperAre you happy with the results you are getting?

In your efforts for money, in your efforts for knowledge, in your efforts for happiness, in your efforts for health?

One useful technique that you may try in your case is to invert the usual questions.

What are the usual questions?

How can I…?
Why can’t I…?
What can I do so I…?

Giving and Receiving… the whole story

give-too-muchWhat happens to what you give to people, after you gave it to them?

We are told that we are what we eat… and it makes no sense… Because really what we are is what we can absorb from what we eat… including supplements.

Now, if that is so, then what happens to your pearls of wisdom, to your kindness, to your support, to your brilliance, to your gifts, to the value you sell people?

Before you point fingers at them, let’s examine how you receive pearls of wisdom… etc.

There is a predictability about it, is there not?

You have a fixed

Is Sophie a fake? Can she activate a DNA capacity for herself? A capacity she obviously never had?

dyslexia makes you look stupidI have been re-reading Dan Millman’s The Life You Were Born To Live.

I don’t know why I am reading it, but here is what I have found that is worth mentioning:

  1. What used to be too much English is suddenly clear, concise, and applicable. The text didn’t change, I did. Obviously I am playing with a fuller deck…
  2. I get, again and again reminded of my Achilles heel: I have a missing capacity that is probably responsible for many of my failures, and all of my no successes.

My missing capacity, the bane ((a deadly po

Want to become a nice person? Here is a clue that you aren’t

Self satisfaction alone cannot determine if a desire or action is positive or negative. The demarcation between a positive and a negative desire or action is not whether it gives you a immediate feeling of satisfaction, but whether it ultimately results in positive or negative consequences.

Every soul correction is about correcting the desire to receive (Light) for the self alone.

If you were born, you have a soul correction.

There is no jumping into “desire for the sake of sha

The hardest thing, it seems, for any human, is to let go of control.

1526981_10152147561883685_291845534_nJust think how hard it is to let go and pee, when people are, maybe, watching. Falling asleep in a new environment.

But… when you are controlling, your are shrinking. When you let go of control: you are expanding.

There are so many things to control: with your control of the few things you know, your breathing, your thoughts… you take yourself out of life, take yourself to a place, where life dies with your control.

In you, and around you.

There is an exercise they make you do in leadership classes. Two people face each othe

Vibrational reviews: how other people do it

(Bashar,Ramtha,Ashtar Command,Sananda,Neale Donald Walsh,Wayne Dyer,Amma, Sylvia Browne, Sathya Sai Baba, Osho)

OK, I was browsing for other people’s reviews, and found this. It’s pretty good… I will add my vibrational review to it, probably in a different color for you to see what I say and what “she” said… She is the author of this post… Lady Miss Neptune, from NYC, I think.
10 Questionable Gurus and Impostor Entities
Posted on March 17, 2014 by Lady Miss Neptune
There is a stench in the spiritual community becoming more and more apparent as time passes. This stench is coming from the famous and influential names in the community. Those who in recent years have created much fuss over nothing. Those whose teachings are false, deceptive, empty, mundane, regurgitated, and only serve to maintain the status quo, all the while deluding followers into believing they are worshipping a most high-caliber being or following an ultimate form of teaching.

A most important virtue

Awakening: the one practice that takes you all the way to enlightenment

The illusion of progress
I had a rude awakening this morning. The illusion of progress, the illusion of doing something that works hasn’t left me untouched either.

In my coaching session this morning I woke up, I woke up from my illusion. The illusion that people understand what it takes to grow, what it takes to become an expanding human being, the illusion that people know anywhere what the work entails.

I think this illusion is shared by quite a few teachers, but not being alone is not a consolation, it’s just a fact.

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Spiritual Laws that you obey or disobey at the expense of your vibration: The Law of Flexibility

Ask anyone; the happiest moments of one’s life are the moment when we find ourselves in our vertical self… or at least centered and grounded in the bottom of it.

It doesn’t happen a lot, because we are brought up and encouraged to live in our horizontal being.

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The price of pretending being kind, nice, friendly, etc. All your colors vs. your true colors painted over… choose

In this article we are going to look at pretense, and what it cost you. It cost you more than it gains you… but the biggest cost is that you are stuck and you can’t go to the next level.
“All the colors I am inside have not been invented yet,” wrote Shel Silverstein, in his children’s book *Where the Sidewalk Ends.* It’s especially important for you to focus on that truth in the coming weeks. I say this for two reasons. First, it’s imperative that you identify and celebrate a certain unique aspect of yourself that no one else has ever fully acknowledged. If you don’t start making it more conscious, it may start to wither away. Second, you need to learn how to express that unique aspect with such clarity and steadiness that no one can miss it or ignore it

In the last blog post I spoke about all the ways you hide that you are a human, unwilling to be caring, loving, nice, accommodati

Coaching is often like herding cats…

Cats are notoriously individualistic, and abhor being herded, or even told what to do.

Your (and) my aspects are like cats: enjoying and protecting their freedoms you have given them all these years, that you thought they were the boss. Your boss.

I am talking here of the aspects of your mind, your emotions, your thoughts, and your urges.

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