Manifesting: is it possible for a human?

Every Tom, Dick, and Harry teaches manifesting. Are all these people wrong?

Do I dare saying that manifesting is not possible, or will I succumb to my fear of being killed, and tell you to calm down: you can manifest, if you do it right, if you just want it bad enough?

I probably should be scared, but to tell you the truth, when it’s time, I’ll die peacefully, knowing that I lived in integrity. That is all anyone can hope for in a lifetime.

Now, with regards to this manifesting issue, here is the scoop:

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The levels of self awareness… and your financial and relationship troubles

What is self-awareness? Is it feeling what you feel, thinking what you think, doing what you do, and knowing you are doing, feeling, thinking that?

I think self-awareness is beyond that, self-awareness is a positional shift for the self that is aware. Positional meant in a physical sense, in a physical movement of the vantage point.

It is one thing to feel from inside the body, and it’s another thing from observing it, as the body feels what it feels.

If there are words to the feeling, then it is the Mind that is attempting to label the experience… but your Self is NOT your mind, it is not even near your mind. You also, the moment your mind labels the experience, stop feeling, and now consider the word as the experience, instead… Much like eating the menu in a restaurant, not the meal. I have watched people doing that…

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You asked for your vibrational reading. You got it. You don’t agree… Here is a public answer

Warning: read the footnotes… In this article they are especially telling. I put everything in the footnotes that would make the article difficult to read… But their position, in the footnotes, doesn’t make them not important, or not part of the article. Consider yourself warned… lol

I measured someone’s vibration, re-measured 3 times. It was consistently 100.

We emailed back and forth, this is the last email that came, this morning:

Hello Sophie,
My last message to you was a kind of joke, I must apologize and thank you for your reply. The reason for my writing is to let you know for the final time that you are wrong. My vibration is somewhere around 350, not 100.

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Foresight is available only to sentient beings. Nature, the Universe, don’t have foresight

Foresight is available only to sentient beings. Nature, the Universe, don’t have foresight, don’t predict, don’t care, don’t make things wrong, don’t have regrets, and… gasp, evolution is NOT the survival of the fittest, it is the survival of the lucky. I’ll talk about this last one in another article, when the thought will be fully developed.

For now, I am interested in foresight and divination… this is the subject of this article.

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How to raise your consciousness to raise your vibration… the connection is revealed in this article

Warning: this article is a little “technical”… if you are only reading for the fun of it, you’ll hate this article… Don’t tell me I haven’t warned you!

What needs to change for vibration to rise? Can an energy raise your vibration? Can changing your beliefs change your vibration?

Like with everything, things are best measured when you are your worst, including your vibration. When the s-h-i-t hits the fan. When someone pushes your buttons. When all your dreams come tumbling down.

Why? Because the rest of the time you are just la-di-da… no challenge. You fancy yourself safe, successful, high vibration, but it all proves to be a pretense when the going gets tough.

Of course, your dramatic mind can make every action feel the crucial action that your mind depends on… running late, clicking the wrong button, the computer malfunctioning, forgetting something…


Shall I measure your vibration when you are your best, or when you are your worst?

This week I have been working to make my vibrational reviews more accessible, easier to find. I didn’t realize: it’s a lot of work.

Then someone requested a vibrational review on a person I have never heard about. I started to investigate, and could not see how she can be so famous and such low vibration. Personal vibration 100, fame: through the roof.

Asking myself this question made my Reticular Activator start working in earnest.

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What it takes to get ahead in life, what it takes to raise your vibration from where you are now

We must admit there are people who do LIFE better than we do, they get ahead, they live well, seem happy.
How do successful people do it? They have good judgment. But where do you get such good judgement from? Good judgment comes from bad experience. And the bad experience comes from pain. What…

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What is consciousness, really?

I am here, waiting for the cable man to fix my internet. It’s been down since yesterday afternoon.
It is hard to remember what we did with our lives before the internet… for me it’s been 18 years. It is hard to figure out what I can do that does not involve the internet… Finally I settle on…

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Updated: Low Vibration? High Vibration? What’s The Difference?

What is Low Vibration? What is High Vibration? Is it really vibration? Why should I have one rather than the other? Really? These are very smart and relevant questions. Don’t be fooled by hype, don’t be intimidated by the psycho-babble … Continue reading →

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Raise Your Vibration: Connect To Source teaches you how to connect to Source (God?) so you can live your life’s purpose, get answers, more

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