How Did It Go On The 27th? Have The Thousand Years Of Peace Begun? Happy New Year!

Confession time: When I scheduled the Event on the 27th, I promised to check people on the call if they connect, really. And I also promised that I was going to know if they are getting the download or not. I had never done it in groups. In effect, I promised something I didn’t know if I can actually deliver. On some level I knew, but I didn’t have any evidence.

Vibrational Reviews: Siddha Yoga, Gurumayi, Dr. Georgi Stankov, Silvia Hartmann, Emotrance, T. Harv Eker, Millionaire Mind Intensive, Avalon Effect

Siddha Yoga, Gurumayi, Dr. Georgi Stankov, Silvia Hartmann, Emotrance, T. Harv Eker, Millionaire Mind Intensive, Avalon Effect Siddha Yoga : 245 Gurumayi personal vibration: 300 shaktipat raises your vibration: no Swami Muktananda had a personal vibration of 640 Dr. Georgi Stankov personal vibration: 175 teachings: 130 truth value: 125 Silvia Hartmann’s Emotrance Silvia Hartmann personal vibration: 175 Emotrance: 210 Truth value: 240 T Harv Eker personal: 299 Millionaire Mind Intensive : 600 Truth Value: 530 Avalon Effect (ligh therapy) equipment: 250 method vibration: 250 light therapy as an idea: 300 truth value: 250 raises/lowers vibration: if your vibration is higher than 250, it will pull you down to 250 Vibrational Reviews: Siddha Yoga, Gurumayi, Dr

The levels of self awareness… and your financial and relationship troubles

What is self-awareness? Is it feeling what you feel, thinking what you think, doing what you do, and knowing you are doing, feeling, thinking that?

I think self-awareness is beyond that, self-awareness is a positional shift for the self that is aware. Positional meant in a physical sense, in a physical movement of the vantage point.

It is one thing to feel from inside the body, and it’s another thing from observing it, as the body feels what it feels.

If there are words to the feeling, then it is the Mind that is attempting to label the experience… but your Self is NOT your mind, it is not even near your mind. You also, the moment your mind labels the experience, stop feeling, and now consider the word as the experience, instead… Much like eating the menu in a restaurant, not the meal. I have watched people doing that…

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Vibrational Review: BioResonance GOLD PRO Pendant – all statements are false

A reader sent me this product to reviews. She thinks it may be great for empaths…

Website: Geopathic Stress Solutions

I have muscle tested every single statement on this website and found them all false.

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What is Love, how does meditation work, what do the activators do?

I have a Landmark Education friend. In Landmark you invent a new possibility for yourself and your life as often as daily… Possibility used to fix your wretched life… in spite of the fact that possibility does none of that.

I may talk about this in another article, but in this one, I’d like to share my educated take on LOVE… and some other topics…

This friend has been calling me all week. He invented loving people. Suddenly he is calling me. And gushing… about love, loving me, blah blah blah.

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‘Skeptical’ neurologist works to separate science from sham

Neurologist Steven Novella treats patients with  neuromuscular conditions where the brain fails to communicate with the rest of the body.

And as a hobby, he is a myth-buster in hot pursuit of the too good, too strange to be true — systematically proving that there is rarely anything new …

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Why is this happening to me?

Why is this happening to me? add the whiny voice… and you can hear that this is not a useful question.
On the other hand, when you can answer that question (without asking it first), it has the same effect as a light switch flicked in a dark room.
So, how do you get to the answer without first…

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If fear rules you and your life… Here is a strategy to reclaim your self and your life

Most people, to one degree or another, are ruled by fear. Most of that fear is fear of nothing-in-particular, just fear. And some of that fear is being afraid of getting hurt, of being laughed at, of looking foolish, of making a mistake, of losing face.
But fear is fear, and on the horizontal…

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When you love yourself, you love your life

Observe yourself: you do well, you get somewhere on time, you get to finish the project, you make yourself proud: and suddenly all that love spills out to your life. You smile under the blanket, and you ask: what happened?
This article will examine why you love yourself when you do, and what can…

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How many shades of gray can you tell apart? Is Mary Morrissey’s teaching is true?

The tribes that live near the North Pole have lots of words for snow. Syracuse people have one: snooow… that is pronounced with a guttural growl.
Tailors of suits can tell the type of black fabric they are looking at, though, for most people black is black.
A Sherlock Holmes can tell, from a…

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