From My Correspondence: What Did You Do to Me? Why Am I Feeling Worse Instead of Better?

From my correspondence: Sophie, Good Morning, I don’t know what happened with the exercise last night but I came away feeling a little drained and though I am also an empath , the trait is not yet developed. As such It felt like my vibration went down instead of up. What do you make of this, and what possible for me to come to peace about this? Thanks My answer: OK, let me give you my findings 1.

You Wake Up In The Morning Only Because You Didn’t Die The Night Before

You Wake Up In The Morning Only Because You Didn’t Die The Night Before There is a core group of people that come to every class, every meditation, read most of what I write. You would expect them to rise steadily on the vibrational scale, wouldn’t you? I did. To my dismay they aren’t. Why not?

The Game of Life: Are You Trying To Win The Game With Just One Cannon?

Higher Vibrational Frequency and Winning In The Game of Life: Will You Choose It? I had a totally weird feeling this morning. It felt like everything that is in this universe is just one of the many universes, and it is really all about how I play the game . There are really no other people, it is just me, and all the others are just characters in MY game.

Day 1-5 of Activation of All Humans on The Planet

Project: Full Activation of All Humans on Planet Earth Phase 1 Target vibrational frequency: 299 Standard vibrational frequency before the activation: 151 From my journal: Sunday morning I called N. in desperation. I felt alone, I felt desperation and hopelessness. It didn’t seem possible to cause a planetary shift even if I prepared a network powerful enough to support millions of people participating in it, at any one time

Diets Don’t Work, In Fact They Make You Fat

Diets don’t work
I know, I know, I am not the first person to say this. but…

I myself heard the expression, for the first time, about 15 years ago. There was a book written by a guy who owned a gym, I think in Texas, and the book starts with one of the best lines in history, he said “I had to call in fat one morning…”

That’s very funny, right? The word you expect is “sick” so when he says fat, you crack up. At least I did.

Internet Marketing Beginnings

I had an inspiration this morning: I woke up early. I made myself a cup of tea, went back to bed, and read a little. About an hour later I woke up from a dream of writing THIS article. Here it is, just the way it came to me in my dream:

I feel like a winner

I feel like a winner

Sometimes you spend an entire lifetime wishing for a certain feeling or a certain accomplishment, until, one moment, it hits you that you got it! By Golly, you got it. This is how it has been with “being a winner” for me.