Vibrational Reviews: reader requests. Numerologists, internet marketers, self improvement gurus, a billionaire… oh my! lol

Celebrity numerologist Tania Gabrielle (I’d be very curious about her truth value) personal vibration: 320; truth value: 230 Caldean numerologist Joanna Justis: personal vibration: 230; truth value: 200 highest paid hand analyst Baeth Davis: personal vibration: 190; truth value: 180 Eidetic imagery therapist Wendy Yellen: personal vibration: 200; truth value: 190 EnergyRICH success coach, Heather Dominick: personal vibration: 200; truth value (energyrich): 195 Jim Rohn: 300 Earl Nightengale: 200 Bob Proctor: 200 Richard Branson: 200 (internal state very troubled, might be temporary, normal state: 300) Dan Kennedy: 200 Bill Glazer: 200 Ron LeGrand: 210 Gary Bencivenga: 210 John Carlton: 200 Nido Qubein: 200 Dr. Joe Mercola: 190 Ken McCarthy: 180 Jay Abraham: 210 Gary Halbert: 220 Drayton Bird: 210 Jonathan Mizel: 210 Dr. Glenn Livingston: 210 Yanik Silver: 200 Eben Pagan: 230 Joe Polish: 190 Russell Brunson: 200 Brendon Burchard: 250 (used to be 395! got off truth. Success can do that to you!)

Internet Marketing Beginnings

I had an inspiration this morning: I woke up early. I made myself a cup of tea, went back to bed, and read a little. About an hour later I woke up from a dream of writing THIS article. Here it is, just the way it came to me in my dream: