Activation Journal Days 7-15

Activation Journal Days 7-15 It’s been two weeks. The world had 100 people at or above vibrational frequence of 299 (Gratitude) when we started and now there are 111. I accidentally pushed my vibration up to 830…

God Doesn’t Have A Thumb or Will You Dance?

I am never made to watch a movie that is not what I need to watch. It also could be that I am mono-maniac, that I have a one-track mind… who cares, right? Today, in the middle of the day, I was taken to the movie “The Girl on The Bridge.” It is a french movie from 1999.

Signs, God, Revelations, Numerology, Astrology, Dreams, Magical Thinking… are ALL B.S.?

Signs, God, revelations, numerology, astrology, dreams, magical thinking I don’t know about you, but the ego over here wants to know. It hates uncertainty, and it will go with anything half-reasonable to get away from uncertainty. I think that is what we hate about the dark. That we don’t know if our next step is going to be OK, or going to get into trouble. The trouble is that there is no way to reliably predict anything.

Human Nature And The Activation

Human Nature And The Activation I have been puzzling over the profound indifference mixed with resentment 1 over the Planetary Activation of The Original Design. As I have said in other blog posts of mine, this activation effects every human being and every country on earth that accepted the activation. At present there are a handful of Central European countries that have not accepted, and they muscle-test for Dark Side Dominance. But what about the rest of the people, some 7 billion people? Why aren’t they grateful, why aren’t they rejoicing?

Activating Your Original Design: What to Expect?

Full Activation of Your Human Design In light of the test subjects that received their activation one-on-one and in the Tangerine state (theta) I am starting to see some startling things that can be expected after your full activation . Although, your experience may be different, especially if you got your activation as part of mass download, it is still very educational to know what will happen. It will be probably slower, and maybe gentler, but I wouldn’t bet on it. 1

Higher Vibration and The Illusion of Dark Side

Questions about dark side and dark energies are coming up a lot nowadays. My approach to dark side is Kabbalistic, because Kabbalah’s approach to this issue is the most useful for a human being who wants to understand the issue. You see, “where attention goes energy flows.” And that attention actually creates that which it energizes, even if it wasn’t there before. And even if you say you don’t want it. Like “I have no time”, like :I am confused,” like “nobody likes me.” creates exactly what it complains about.

Going Home, Kleenex, and Sai Maa

All my life I wanted to go home. No matter where I was, periodically I had this overwhelming desire to go home. Where home was, what home was… I had not idea. I just knew that I was going to recognize home when I get there

Raise Your Vibration: The Original Design

The Universe had an original design . Though I grew up not believing that, I have seen proof, evidence, and other convincing signs that today I consider myself someone who helps return humanity to the original design . Here is what I believe to be true: In the beginning there was only the Light. It had an abundance of energy, and it was giving it to nothing… there was no other entity, no recipient, it was just energy flowing.

Do You Think You Can Tell WHAT You See?

Most of us are sure we can. We make decisions based on what we see, and our decisions and actions take us to live the life we live. Most of us live a life of quiet desperation.

Internet Marketing Beginnings

I had an inspiration this morning: I woke up early. I made myself a cup of tea, went back to bed, and read a little. About an hour later I woke up from a dream of writing THIS article. Here it is, just the way it came to me in my dream: