Your why… what gives you juice, what gives you the strength to stay in the game?

what-is-your-whyI just got an insight of what may be the most important factor in your level of vibration.

I got an email from a marketer who I have paid for a course, but slowly have lost my trust in…

But I am still on his list, so he sent me an email.

I’ll copy the email to the bottom… because it is a good email, it is moving, and yet. ((XYZ marketer’s email to me… meaning to be inspiring, no doubt.

Download the pdf version of this article at the end of the article

A Quick Personal Story
I Hope You’ll Ponder…

My dad passed away tragically in 2014.

It’s still difficult for me to talk about publicly.

Yet, not a day goes by I don’t think of him

Are you healthy enough to have meaning to your life? Purpose?

This is my quest: to follow that star, no matter how hopeless, no matter how far.

Meaning: Following THAT Star. The alternative is Meaningless
This is my quest: to follow that star, no matter how hopeless, no matter how far.

Humans are strange animals: they need meaning to make their lives to feel more than just existing. They need purpose to give a backbone, to give direction, to transform a life of prose to poetry.

But life is, in itself, empty and meaningless… so how do you find the meaning, how do you find the purpose?

I was 38 years old when meaning first entered

The difference between feeling confident and being confident… or how you put your life in the hands of a liar

feelings-are-just-visitors-let-them-come-and-go-quote-1It’s Christmas Eve. Strong Southern wind… unusual noises… and bouts of wanting to weep. WTF? There is nothing wrong with my life, I am not connected to anyone in particular, and yet.

I muscle test if it is the Dark Side emotion transmission, and yes, it is…

Feelings come from who knows where, and yet, YOU are basing all your decisions on feelings. How utterly misguided is that?

If the feeling were: you can do it, you’d jump i

Updated: Soul Correction: Fearless

Fear is an issue. It’s universal. You have it, I have it. You have to have it. It is the 200,000 year old hardware… where your life was lived out in an environment where everything was a threat to your survival.

Today’s fears are the same, except today the threats to your survival are missing… and yet, the fears continue.

Your path to the next level of evolution, Human Being, is the beingness of fearless… where you consider fear a necessary evil, and you take it with you wherever you go, big and small, safe or dangerous, like you would take a child with you who needs your support.

If you think you need to deal with the fear, you need to silence the fear, stop the fear, fix the fear BEFORE you can do anything, then you’ll never go anywhere… And that is the predictable place where you are, if this is your soul correction.

Here starts the original article:
