Are You Expanding or Contracting?

As I am working to fully distinguish what it is to be an expanding personality , (click to read the glossary!)and going through famous and not so famous people, muscle testing if they are, were, or ever were expanding , including me… I am starting to see something that I have never seen before. You may not know, but this very moment, I am not expanding . I am more like trying to hold onto something for dear life

Activating Your Original Design: What to Expect?

Full Activation of Your Human Design In light of the test subjects that received their activation one-on-one and in the Tangerine state (theta) I am starting to see some startling things that can be expected after your full activation . Although, your experience may be different, especially if you got your activation as part of mass download, it is still very educational to know what will happen. It will be probably slower, and maybe gentler, but I wouldn’t bet on it. 1

Track How The Activation Is Advancing

It my be interesting to you to track how the activation of the Original Design is advancing . I made a page where you can see the country name, the population, and whether it’s been activated or not. I consider adding the starting vibrational frequency as well… may be a lot of work though. There are a lot of unanswered questions.

Raise Your Vibrational Frequency Permanently

The Easiest Starting Point To Raise Your Vibrational Frequency I have been researching and investigating the many claims of raising your vibrational frequency . There is an important distinction to be made here: Although there is the map of consciousness, and there is the method of Abraham/Hicks, they are a feel good method and do not raise your vibration any longer than as long as you are willing to do those methods. Not bad, but it is a lot like having a job for a living.

Internet Marketing Beginnings

I had an inspiration this morning: I woke up early. I made myself a cup of tea, went back to bed, and read a little. About an hour later I woke up from a dream of writing THIS article. Here it is, just the way it came to me in my dream:

Failure? Consider instead: It doesn’t hit the mark

If you wanted to hit a target with a gun, what would you do? You probably keep on shooting at it until you hit it… If you were more sophisticated, then you would make sure you track in which direction you missed it… left, right, down or up.