Let’s talk about the dividing point between low vibration and high vibration… 200

What are the first signs that your vibration number went up? The average vibration of all people on the planet is 130. That is a level where people are low of energy, so low that even anger, or saying no …

What is the difference between people who actually raise their vibration and people who don’t?

Humanity can be divided to two groups. The dividing line is the vibration of 200… the level of responsibility and integrity. Responsibility is a view of life where it is up to you. What? Everything. And when it is up …

When your cleverness trips you up

Bad things used to come in threes… Not any more. Nowadays it is more like three good things and one bad thing. The bad thing today could be turned into good… maybe writing this article helps. Some clients buy stuff …

Vibrational Review: Heartmath Institute

heartmath reviewFirst: Heartmath has a theory, that the heart has a lot of brain cells in it and they can be influenced just like the brain can be… The promise is of Heartmath is to help you calm down and handle … Continue reading “Vibrational Review: Heartmath Institute”

Why do women, why do mothers, hold you back under the guise of protecting you?

I always ponder why things are the way they are. I ask why more than once, more than three times… I ask and look. One question that makes me ask why a lot nowadays, why is it that certain cultures … Continue reading “Why do women, why do mothers, hold you back under the guise of protecting you?”

Is it worth it? Is it worth the bother, the effort, the work?

I had an insight yesterday. One of the reasons people don’t like to try new things is because they cannot judge whether they can do it or not. Whether it will be easy or not. Whether it will be pleasant … Continue reading “Is it worth it? Is it worth the bother, the effort, the work?”

Is the fixed mindset a sign of courage deficiency? Can you turn on courage?

If you can’t measure it it doesn’t exist. The world’s population is divided. A small part tries to get results through effort, and the large part is trying to sail on their innate abilities alone. People in both parts have … Continue reading “Is the fixed mindset a sign of courage deficiency? Can you turn on courage?”

Updated: When you don’t hurry, time doesn’t hurry either. When you are prepared you can afford to not hurry

Hurry is a reliable sign of the Fixed Mindset. Fixed mindset and growth mindset describe the underlying beliefs, the invisible part of the iceberg of your beliefs that crash the Titanic! you have about learning, effort, and intelligence. When you believe they can get smarter, you may understand that effort makes you stronger. Continue reading

When the mind takes over perception: you see only what the mind allows you to see

change-the-way-you-look-at-thingsYour mind, your IT, your “I” in the fixed mindset won’t allow you to see what is not favorable to your self-image. This results in you living the life of an underachiever, without any sense of self, without any sense of adventure, Without any sense of being alive. you are thing in the world of things… pushed around. Coaching can unstuck you… Continue reading