Failure? Consider instead: It doesn’t hit the mark

If you wanted to hit a target with a gun, what would you do? You probably keep on shooting at it until you hit it… If you were more sophisticated, then you would make sure you track in which direction you missed it… left, right, down or up.

What do car thieves and computer hackers have in common

I just read a very interesting article, that you want to read… Though it has nothing to do with the recent iframe hack, because it effected every style of site, not just wordpress blogs, the article has a lot of good points, and you want to read it… Trust me?

What is "Natural Growth" and how to Accomplish it, Spiritually, and in Business

Most of the people I know are either stagnating because they don’t put themselves in a situation where they need to grow, or they put themselves in the courses and seminars and coaching programs to grow, but they don’t grow because …

Are You A Knucklehead?

Hey, when you are being a knucklehead… does it mean, you ARE a knucklehead? Or you are just doing the only exercise most people do: jumping into conclusions. Listen if you can recognize yourself in these stories: A lot of my clients

Did Your Personality Get Put Together vs. You Were Born That Way?

I got a thank you note today. I get quite a few of those, I must admit. They are a great way for me to track how the methodologies and principles I use in my teaching work. I mean, how effective I am, how effective the methods are. They track my ability to make a difference in the world. (Someone please remind me to write about how I view my making a difference…

Two main reasons you don’t have the life you want

As you know I am a coach, and I don’t have to think much to find something to teach… hey, my clients is a never ending source of inspiration for writing. I want to share something about the kind of life you live… because I want you to sign up to the 100 day challenge, so consider that I am selling you… shamelessly, pushing you, pressuring you: because it is that important.

Shock Therapy

The strongest motivator for me is to think what it would be like on my deathbed if I died today. I always take several actions every time I imagine the scenario and my regrets. Here is a video that says it better than I could ever say. I bet you’ll have several actions as soon as you watch it. ZD YouTube FLV Player

Black Friday or how to get yourself into trouble

Hi! It’s Black Friday. Now, don’t ask me to tell you why it is called Black Friday: I don’t know and I don’t want to know. What I do know is that today I experienced something that you want to hear, you want to learn from, today, and the rest of the year, black, pink red, blue days… any day. Ok, a little background information:

I feel like a winner

I feel like a winner

Sometimes you spend an entire lifetime wishing for a certain feeling or a certain accomplishment, until, one moment, it hits you that you got it! By Golly, you got it. This is how it has been with “being a winner” for me.