How is living is like writing a book? Good writing is re-writing…

writers-gif2Let’s see how you write… and then we’ll see how you live your life.

Most people first-draft-people… they never re-write. Others carefully craft the format, but don’t touch what they said… the content. And then others wait until they think they have something profound to say… and that is rarely.

All good writing is re-writing. Both writing literature and “writing”, crafting your life, your story. ((Most people never re-write. They present their first draft in everything. A real good secret of how not to amount to anything or much)) If you are not willing to write badly you are not willing to write well either. And if you can’t see that your first draft is bad, you will never look at it again.

In this arti

Does “not that bad” have you by the balls?

More than half of my site’s visitor come to download the codes by Grabovoi, for free. Grabovoi’s numbers are the type of miracles that people hope for, angels, spirits, gods… ((99% or more of those visitors are from Catholic countries, by the way.))

I have contemplated that maybe I should remove those articles, and maybe I should.

Why? Why would I want to remove a post that brings in so many visitors?

I tell you why! Because people who are interested in those numbers, are not my people. They want miracles, angel dust, prayer, magicians, shamans, or some other form of “please do it for me” magic.

Of all the people that searched for the Grabovoi codes, I am aware of one person who stayed and became a star student of mine… One out of hundreds of thousands.

But what if the people who search for the Grabovoi codes need my help?

What about the people who don’t feel well, who are bloated, or can’t get enough rest in the night, tired, sluggish, listless, depressed, not en

Dreams: The difference between scary dreams and guiding dreams, fear versus intuition

Tweet I use everything for guidance. My method of guidance is one of the magicians of The Soaring Method use for guidance. (Carlos Castaneda demonstrates it well in his Journey to

Turning Points Part 3: Create a Turning Point by Adhering to a Quote That Can Alter Your Life… Your Attention

Turning Points Part 3: Control your attention You can adapt declarations that you find… and you see that living consistent with that declaration would be consistent with living according to the Original Design . What aspect of the Original Design ? The aspect that says: you are made of the same thinking substance as Source itself is made of.