How is living is like writing a book? Good writing is re-writing…

writers-gif2Let’s see how you write… and then we’ll see how you live your life.

Most people first-draft-people… they never re-write. Others carefully craft the format, but don’t touch what they said… the content. And then others wait until they think they have something profound to say… and that is rarely.

All good writing is re-writing. Both writing literature and “writing”, crafting your life, your story. ((Most people never re-write. They present their first draft in everything. A real good secret of how not to amount to anything or much)) If you are not willing to write badly you are not willing to write well either. And if you can’t see that your first draft is bad, you will never look at it again.

In this arti

The Last Effort… Are You a Starter? Are You a Finisher? Do You Have Unfinished Projects by the Dozens?

The Last Effort… “The last effort is always the one that matters. So in whatever you do, never give in until it’s over as you’ll never know – you may just turn the whole thing around.” – Jasper T. My notes : many people are good starters but lousy finishers. They have tons of projects they started. Starting is exciting.