Vibrational Review: David Morelli: Enwaken course for coaches, Everything is Energy… blah blah blah

I am writing this review because people are searching for it on this site, so here you have it. David Morelli, coach to the wannabe coaches, I guess.

Landmark Education video on how to have a breakthrough in raising a lot of money… and my story Part Two

Sophie Benshitta Maven I left it off in my previous (part one) article, that I signed up for the “thing” that this guy said made him so happy and smiley. I wanted it more than anything.

Landmark Education: worth watching video and my story – Part One

I was first introduced to Landmark it was called something else, Werner Erhard and Associates.

Magical Solutions To Life… So You Can Experience Love, Care, And Appreciation, Finally… Pure Magic… Part One

Pure Magic Magical Solutions to life… so you can experience love, care, and appreciation, finally… Part One Why can’t you really experience love, caring, appreciation?

Vibrational Review: Mamtamai Shri Radhe Guru Maa – a fake?

Indian “guru” living in India. Lives in a palace in exquisite riches, if the Indian TV can be trusted about things like this

From My Correspondence: Can you help me: My Kundalini rose and messed me up!

A reader sent me this email. There is nothing personal about it: it could happen to you what happened to them. This is why I want to you read it.

Vibrational Review: Teal Scott The Spiritual Catalyst, Author Of The Sculptor In The Sky

Teal Scott The Spiritual Catalyst, Author Of The Sculptor In The Sky her vibration is 200. I listened to one of her videos (visual puts ME in my mind, so I can’t feel her feelings!).