Phase Two: Changing The Game of The Original Design

Eliminate Powerlessness of The Vessel As far as I can see, feeling powerless, feeling at the mercy of something out of your control, is part of the human experience, in fact it is a fundamental part of the human experience. And it is a part of it, even after the activation of The Original Design. Why is it part of the Original Design? Because it was part of the experience of the Original Vessel. I am not going to tell the story again, if you don’t know it, please look it up

Jill Bolte Taylor’s Stroke Of Insight, Or The The Hemispherse of the Brain Is The Cornerstone Of Peace?

Jill Bolte Taylor’s Stroke Of Insight, Or The Brain Is The Cornerstone Of Peace What is the term for the passages between the two hemispheres of the brain? Anyone knows? I have been trying to find out what is the proper word to use when I am talking about the two sides of the brain working together… what are those circuits that light up when you actually “be” as a full-brain individual, where your whole brain participates in your life at the same time, and you have your analytical capabilities and your “intuitive” capabilities informing your actions and your feelings at the same time, not either one or the other. In my search I was lead to this brain researcher’s speech on TED I remember seeing that video once before, and I remember feeling that it was hokey…

How To Have Your Life Matter?

If a tree falls in the forest… does it make any sound if no one listens? If you live your life and no one is witnessing 1 it: did you live at all? I know these are very philosophical questions, but arm yourself, without asking relevant and philosophical questions about life and your life, your life won’t make much sense

A Marketing Story… for Christmas?

A blind boy sat on the steps of a building with a hat by his feet. He held up a sign which said: “I am blind, please help.” There were only a few coins in the hat. A man was walking by. He took a few coins from his pocket and dropped them into the hat. He then took the sign, turned it around, and wrote some words.

Your sphere of influence

I have lots of clients that struggle. One of the common characteristics I can find is the fact that they are trying to do something big, but are surrounded by small thinking people. Another one is that they have a small sphere of influence. And the third one is that they don’t know how to get more people to join their sphere of influence. You will never be able to do anything really big, if you are isolated, and the “echo” that you hear about you is from people who think you are small, insignificant or crazy. Many people go to seminars, they hang out with others there, but when they go home, they are back in their own backyard where they are considered just another wannabe. What is the solution? What is you ARE a wannabe, but have the potential to influence thousands? One great tool I found is twitter. And a great tool I found to build a list of followers is at , which is a free tool. If life worked like it is “supposed to”, it would build you a group of followers to the tune of millions, but of course life doesn’t work the way it is supposed to. But still, it is worth a try. All it takes is a minute or two…

Diets Don’t Work, In Fact They Make You Fat

Diets don’t work
I know, I know, I am not the first person to say this. but…

I myself heard the expression, for the first time, about 15 years ago. There was a book written by a guy who owned a gym, I think in Texas, and the book starts with one of the best lines in history, he said “I had to call in fat one morning…”

That’s very funny, right? The word you expect is “sick” so when he says fat, you crack up. At least I did.

Are You A Knucklehead?

Hey, when you are being a knucklehead… does it mean, you ARE a knucklehead? Or you are just doing the only exercise most people do: jumping into conclusions. Listen if you can recognize yourself in these stories: A lot of my clients

How To Melt an 800K Debt? Begin it like this…

I am reading Abraham/Hicks: The Power of Deliberate Creation. I find one fundamental thing really useful, and I am surprised that this is the first time it occurs for me anywhere, but then again, I watch my students, watch my clients, and a I am no longer surprised.

What Doesn’t Make Sense in Internet Marketing Training

I am a coach. I coach internet marketing, I coach mindset… and I love it, when I do. Sometimes. But lately my clients and students are clueless, after having paid thousands and thousands of dollars to other coaches… here is my rant