I downloaded the Days Of Power energy yesterday and it knocked me on my butt

It’s Monday and it’s raining. The perfect weather for what I need to do… I downloaded the Days Of Power energy yesterday and it knocked me on my butt. Honestly, I forgot how strong these energies are: I had taken …

I have added a new measure to the Starting Point Measurements: humility. Humility is the measure whether you can grow or not

True humility is not thinking less of yourself; it is thinking of yourself less. Wrote Rick Warren in The Purpose-Driven Life, where it appears as part of Day 19, “Cultivating Community.” When you have “thinking of yourself” block or filter …

The dumbing down of the planet: the law of attraction conspiracy Updated

What if the law of attraction is just another way to keep you duped, unthinking, unproductive, and a slave? Just think with me, please: I am going to filter the Law of Attraction through my own life, my own experiences …

I didn’t know that you didn’t know

Unless I know what you don’t understand, unless I know what is your fundamental lack of knowledge, all my articles, all my teachings go right over your head. I had a wake up call yesterday, a wake up call I …

Indigestion… what is it and why is it the number one killer?

After I finished writing this article, I looked up the word “indigestion”… the correct word I should have used: incomplete digestion… although then not many people would open this post… lol. So I am leaving it the way it is, …

Humans are designed to be continuous learning machines. If you aren’t a learning machine, you have stopped being a human.

Humans are designed to be continuous learning machines. If you aren’t a learning machine, you have stopped being a human. New people to interact with, new ways to do things, new way to accomplish, new things to experience and interpret …

Everything you ever wanted comes to you through people

Many of my students and clients have a tough time dealing with people. No amount of technical skills, no amount of business savvy, no amount of education matters much if you are not able to get along, and communicate with …

Anxiety, worry… Many bad feelings are a result of you having no tools in your tool box… or you not using them.

As a True Empath I have to feel people’s emotions. So I am sitting here feeling someone’s emotions who is suffering from anxiety. He or she, I have no way to know who it is, has to make a decision, …

When your cleverness trips you up

Bad things used to come in threes… Not any more. Nowadays it is more like three good things and one bad thing. The bad thing today could be turned into good… maybe writing this article helps. Some clients buy stuff …

Field of relationship? What the heck is that and why should you care?

The only field of relationship, the only field of communication that leads you to growth, that leads you to raise your vibration is what I reveal in this article. I have a student whose biggest contribution to me is asking … Continue reading “Field of relationship? What the heck is that and why should you care?”