The spirit wants only that there be flying

wild-turkey-flyingYou can’t win the bets you don’t make. You can’t win the arguments you don’t engage in. You can’t win without taking risks.

If you look at me, and can see, you’ll see a person with severe dyslexia, serious holes in her brain from two episodes of brain damage.

What does this mean? This means that I make a lot of mistakes, mistakes most people would not make…

Couple that with a quick-start personality, and you get a lot of failures, a lot of mistakes, a lot of screw-up… and, surprisingly a lot of wins.


Is Sophie a fake? Can she activate a DNA capacity for herself? A capacity she obviously never had?

dyslexia makes you look stupidI have been re-reading Dan Millman’s The Life You Were Born To Live.

I don’t know why I am reading it, but here is what I have found that is worth mentioning:

  1. What used to be too much English is suddenly clear, concise, and applicable. The text didn’t change, I did. Obviously I am playing with a fuller deck…
  2. I get, again and again reminded of my Achilles heel: I have a missing capacity that is probably responsible for many of my failures, and all of my no successes.

My missing capacity, the bane ((a deadly po

Intellect, iq, smarts, intelligence… and the ability to raise your vibration…

forrest-gump-stupid-is-as-stupid-doesWe need to have a conversation about intellect, iq, smarts, intelligence… and the ability to raise your vibration…

There IS a connection.

You have what you have… as much or as little as you do.

Just like in everything, how you use what you have that matters.

Cooking example: some people can cook a feast for 20 bucks for a family, others will whine that they don’t have enough money to feed their family.

In my time in advertising, I met lots of men with low intellect and incredible results.

With regard

More on the Law of Process

I have been observing people for about 30 years… I have participated with thousands. I have coached thousands. I have been friends with a few.

There has been one thing in common with all of them: they picked and chose what they wanted to do, so they never succeeded.

I observed the same thing on myself, and to the degree that it is there, to the degree someone won’t amount to anything, won’t amount to much.

I read quite a few sales letters a day, ((I am most interested in marketing)) mostly because I am interested… not in buying, but …

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Where does the truth I write come from? Stream of consciousness.

I write the largest chunks of surprising truths that way. Something triggers it, and there it comes… Quick, to the computer!

I read Kathryn’s comment on the Worry article, and something clicked.

Everyone says: you need to remove your filters. You need to remove blockages. Bad beliefs, about yourself and the world. It’s not working. Not for anyone… ok, maybe a few.

What if the reason no one is succeeding with those “techniques” is because that is not the right method to do it?

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Change your brain… and you can change your life

It seems it is video-day here in my house… today. Mind you, I am not quite doing it for entertainment, I am looking for some solution.
In my coaching calls and even watching, observing myself, I have realized that some foundational skills are missing. They are the kind of foundation without…

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How to enter growth mode the easy way?

In life you are either growing or you are shrinking. You are either moving or you are stuck.
When you grow, you feel wonderful, When you shrink, you feel horrible…
This article is about a method to to cause your own growth in a gentle easy way, little by little.
Below is my horoscope for the…

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