Soul Correction: Fertility. Fertility or Infertility as a Spiritual Phenomenon

Soul Correction/Soul Purpose: FERTILITY: how to get fertile , body mind and spirit. If we believe that WE are the ultimate source of our abundance, blessings, and miracles, then our lives inevitably become as barren as a desert. Souls become sterile due to inflated self-importance. Giving birth to children, giving birth to new ideas, or giving birth to a business solution all require the divine force of fertility, directly from Source.

Why Does Source Need A Human For Raising The Vibration Of The Planet?

In the past 36 hours, I have been torn between wanting to have MY life, MY work to be witnessed, and getting the work done. When I looked at the failed attempts of Source finding a human to represent humanity 1 , this is what I find: In order for a human to be able to complete the divine assignment of activating the Original Design on all humans on Earth, this human needs to transcend their desire to gain, through this activity 1. money 2. fame 3. notoriety 4

Activator Downloads… Activate The Original Design’s Circuits, The Divine Blueprint

I saw another episode of Star Trek last night. In that, the prosecutor studied Lt. Data’s design, and circuits , and to demonstrate that Data was a machine, he turned him off.