Communication: How to shape your environment so you can become more… happier, freer, more productive

In life, you have as much room to be as your environment grants you.

Room as in elbow room…

The environment you are in, at home, at work, at the pub, at the club, in the community van…

My brother has a lot of room to be when he is with his friends. He is funny, he is smart, maybe even glib… that is the only place anywhere he has some room to be. Maybe he had room to be at work… he is retired now. Everywhere else he is under the “thumb” of someone… under the tyranny of someone. He should be different, do different… never OK, never enough, never the one… except maybe his grandkids? still adoring him… for how long?

I left Hungary to have more room to be someone more than who I felt the environment all

What is the most important skill to develop and keep using, daily, if you want to live a life you love?

We live as if things never changed. Even though we hear, read, that the only thing that is constant in life is change.

And yet, our minds, the machine-like part of us that cannot learn, won’t learn, and fancies itself YOU… our minds tell us, moment to moment, that life will remain the way it is in that moment.

Is that crazy or what?

  • When something bad happens, the reaction is not to the bad thing, but to the idea that the results of the bad thing are life-long.
  • When something good happens, the reaction is not to the good thing. It is to the idea, to the notion, to the ce

Becoming like god where you create with your word.

With regards to the title… I am not suggesting that you become like Jesus… but become like the Creator, who supposedly said: there shall be light… or whatever he said… This Creator created with his word. That is the god I mean…

The main difference between a human and a human being, the next level of human evolution, is an inner difference. Not biological, physical, physiological. Instead a difference in what tells the one and the other to do things, what attitude to have, how to do things.

Humans listen to memes, the voices. Voices that are not the human’s friends, voices that have no rhyme and reason, voices that make the human misbehave, and take actions that on the long run make him miserable.

Humans say things, but they don

Updated: Truth value… let’s talk about truth value

beauty-vs-intelligence-23-638During the summer of 1966 I ran into a girl I knew from elementary school. Turns out she applied and was accepted to the same school I was going to start in that September.

We were having a chat. I remember thinking to myself: Compared to her I know everything… why am I going to school?

We both graduated. I am sure she still thinks she knows everything. My experience is that I know less and less as time goes by.

Whether you can identify with my 19 year old person, or my 69 year old person, and to what degree will be important, so jot it down.

This article will attempt to answer truth value.

What is the opposite of truth? I have no idea

Kabbalahchick hello post

overcoming scarcity mentality
scarcity mindset vs abundance mindset
scarcity mentality relationships
what is scarcity mindset
abundance vs scarcity 7 habits
scarcity mentality definition
scarcity mindset definition
scarcity psychology definitionWelcome to my Kabbalahchick blog.

When I say, hello world, I mean the 1%. Where you and I locate ourselves, what you and I consider the whole world. the visible, the tangible, the perceivable, the measurable, the world of scarcity and therefor the world of scarcity thinking, scarcity mindset.

Kabbalah says that this world, the world of matter, the world of thoughts and words, is only 1% of all reality. The rest, the 99% reality is the world of unlimited possibilities, t

Are you building your self-esteem around things that hurt you?

I am going to quote an email from Tai Lopez, because it is so useful. He talks about a conversation with the founder of Quest bars… A protein bar I would never touch… but the guy is smart, at least what he says here is very smart, and I wish I had said what he […]

Getting to the bottom of the iceberg… It is like the One Ring that controls all

I had an impromptu (unplanned) conversation with a long time client yesterday. Unfortunately my recorder decided to run out of battery… so I didn’t record it. This woman is one example of the perfect client for me. So what is a perfect client? A perfect client is one who is able and willing to do […]

It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble, It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so

Concepts are the part of beliefs that make beliefs not changeable.

All the “gurus” who promise you to help you get rid of your beliefs are liars. They are selling you oceanfront property in landlocked Montana.

And you are buying them.

But Tree of Life words, your internal conversation can easily be seen as untrue or b.s. or a lie.
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The Attitude That Will Help You Climb The Tree Of Life

An attitude is an approach. It is the result of an internal conversation we are having with ourselves. An attitude is 100% in your power, even if you don’t feel you can change it. And true: you don’t change it … Continue reading → Related Posts: How do you alter the climate and friendliness of […]

What do you have to prove? That you are smart? That will make you ignorant AND miserable

I have shared with you in my previous article all the juicy principles I gleaned from my conversation with the student who hated the idea to become proud of his ancestral heritage. But I had one insight that, for me, … Continue reading → Related Posts: Intellect, iq, smarts, intelligence… and the ability to raise […]