One reason you have no peace inside… And how you could…

awarenessI just discovered that the version of the Freecell game is “forgiving”, i.e. you can go back more than one step… “start over again” without a penalty point.

This makes the game an even better modeling tool than it used to be.

I always suspected that the first step really decides the rest of the journey… but being a Quickstart… jumping-without-thinking-type-of-person, this would not have

What you are doing now is not working. You deserve better…

you deserve what you haveWhat kind of deserving is in that title?

Systemic? Extrinsic? Intrinsic?

  1. Systemic would be: you are on my site, you are reading this, therefore you must be a good person… also deserving?
  2. Extrinsic would be: you have provided me with a lot of value, but what you are doing isn’t getting you the results, the rewards you deserve…
  3. Intrinsic would be: you are a human… deserving a chance at a great life. Of course you need to earn it. Let me show you how to stop what you

Why, your chances to become worth a damn (dime?), are less than 2%?

the-life-of-a-teacherFirst things first: the saying is “become worth a damn.” But a lot of people consider damn a curse word, so they say “become worth a dime”… Oh well, here you have it. Become worth a dime… lol.

Second: let me explain the picture: no teacher is worth a darn, unless the student is able to handle, utilize what the teacher teaches. And therein lies all the difficulty you are experiencing.

As you can, maybe, track, I am becoming obsessed with learning to learn… or more precisely said, teaching you to learn to learn…

Because you have been mi

Another way lack of humility screws with you

To be unattached is not to renounce the world. If you renounce the world you are attached to the world; otherwise why should you renounce it? What is the point in renouncing it if you are not attached to it? Only attachment renounces. If you are really non-attached there is no question of any renunciation.The Detached/Unattached ((I am starting to realize that a better name would be: Unattached… but then,

How can you get to do what you most love to do for a living?

do-for-work-what-you-love-to-doI had today, being Sunday, my Sunday call, the one I’ve had for 9 years now.

We’ve spoken about a lot of things. One of them will be of special relevance to you.

That is, why people want to change.

It all came out of both of us watching the first few sessions of the 67 steps, excellent, by the way. But what’s most interesting is that what he is getting out of it, and what I am getting out of those sessions, the 67 steps, are so different: it is hard to be

67 days to a new you: health, money, relationship?

67stepsSometimes I wish I could force you to buy something I know you need, and I know you’ll really benefit from.

I have signed up to Tai Lopez 67 steps program. He says that research now says that it takes 67 days to establish a new way of being, a new take on life… That is why it lasts 67 days.

It is dripped out one session a day, for 67 days. I signed up yesterday, so I had two sessions, two audios to watch today.

I don’t know if he can keep this up, but both sessions talk about something I should talk about, and as soon as I make it mine, I will… I do have a commitment to never just repe