Fighting windmills? No time to do good stuff, let alone great stuff?

I just learned something terrible about myself. A lot of people hear me as if I were their father.

You see, in my family I was the dunce… meaning stupid. And even though I had straight A grades, and I was good at everything I tried, I remained stupid for my family.

How this works I don’t know. But this seems to be the dynamic: people make a decision about you, and then they never really look at you again.

You take it on, as the truth, and freeze into it. You allow it to guide you through life.

With me it was a little different, because I am defiant. I am not defiant to the person who speaks it, I am defiant to the saying. I am going to prove them wrong.

My brother, my older brother was the

Want to be the one who is making the decisions in your life?

back-to-the-future-2This week has been a success for Life, and a disaster financially. Everyone was spending their money on turkey, I guess.

So I am going to announce some sales for this coming week. I’ll make them good… so you’ll buy.

Now, about the successes that lead me to a huge insight.

All that people do is guided by memes, and they think they decided to do it. And you think they decided to do it from the goodness of their heart, from the badness of their heart, whatever seem to be the case. But in fact they never decided anything… It is the memes that are doing the deciding.

This is a totally different way to look at people, at life, and at what’s happening.

You can use this to re-interpret your past.

What makes life worth living?

This article could be called a “life hack” which is a fashionable word nowadays. I don’t mind… but whatever you’ll call it will define it… Because what you’ll call it will be a context… What? Yeah… And context is the ultimate life hack. Most people don’t understand the distinction: context Why is that a problem? […]

Opinion? How should you hear what someone says?

What is the difference between an opinion and an assessment, an observation, a statement, a theory, a hypothesis? Many people use one word for many different things… I have this “friend” who climbs the same steps I climb, except that he climbs it seven times each time, I climb it once or twice. He is … Continue reading “Opinion? How should you hear what someone says?”

Epigenetics… the path of human evolution: from human to human being

How I use the energy that I download during the Days of Power After I moved out of my parents’ home, I met this guy who became my boy friend. My first boy friend. He was a philosophy student, son of a well known philosopher. I didn’t understand a word they were talking. When I […]

The word of Good and Evil, and other memes. How the wrong yearns to be fixed…

I field a lot of emails in a day. And some of those emails are goldmines, because they reveal the wrong ideas that people entertain, the wrong premises on which they build their actions. In this article I will go deep, root level, and I will also go higher… because wrong premises can infect you […]

The role of curiosity in how far you can go in life

I am following the teaching of a guy who teaches marketing… Marketing is having something to sell, finding buyers for it, and selling it mostly through audio, video, or the written word. The company that is the best at it is Agora Financial. So this marketing teacher went to Agora to find out how they … Continue reading “The role of curiosity in how far you can go in life”

The invisible undercurrent that is running your life, unbeknown to you.

The invisible undercurrent, undertow of self-made rules… Or if you prefer, the invisible strings that move the puppet… What they talk about when they say “there are known knowns… etc.” Donald Rumsfeld stated: Reports that say that something hasn’t happened are always interesting to me, because as we know, there are known knowns; there are …

More about Desire and Ambition…

Desire is a mental energy. It is impossible to desire something you have not imagined or seen. So desire is comparing an image of something and the way it is, and that gap is what is called desire. Now, desire has this imagination element, that shows the object of desire, the finished “product” as if […]

Ambition versus Desire… Why ambition has become a dirty word, and who does it serve?

I spent yesterday reading the novel the 1997 Dutch film (Character) was based upon. Of course they changed a few things, and the film left me in deep quandary. The title didn’t make sense. The whole dynamic didn’t make sense. So I read the book. Most movies’ ending is clear… this is probably only the …