Thou Shall Prosper: The Ten Commandments To Prosperity: The Spiritual Laws of Money That You Have Not Known Or Ignored And Now Paying The Price Part 4

This article began here… so to be able to follow, please read it from the beginning Part 4: How does this look in MY life? These spiritual laws of money… I have been in business for a long time (since 1979) First I was an architect, then a land developer, later a magazine publisher, a body-worker, an energy practitioner, a webmaster, a coach, information publisher…

Playing Freecell As A Spiritual Practice: Soul Correction and Fulfilling Your Soul’s Purpose Becomes Possible Now!

Playing Freecell as a spiritual practice One of the issues that plague humanity is their unawareness or misunderstanding of Soul . I won’t go back to the whole creation story again, you are probably sick of it… lol. Just let’s re-iterate the fact that humanity is the host for the soul and the vehicle for its correction

Vibrational Review: Dawn James: Raise Your Vibration, Transform Your Life: A Practical Guide for Attaining Better Health, Vitality and Inner Peace

Dawn James: vibrational frequency: 195, book/information: 290, doesn’t connect to Source. Dawn James’ story is that she had a near death experience, and she came back armed with spiritual knowledge available only on the other side. Muscle test shows that this is a story. People who do have a near death experience are said to experience the Original Design and come back and maintain that knowledge, experience, and attitude as a result. Muscle test says that it’s a story