What is a spiritual practice? And what does it have to do with raising your vibration?

Sophie Benshitta Maven Spiritual practices are the tools we have to activate our capacities, including the new capacities just received on September 4-5. The expression, spiritual practice, has two parts: Practice

Rob Brezsny’s horoscope as a viable context for spiritual practice and big picture being

One excellent use of Rob Brezsny’s weekly horoscopes is to set a context for the week. The context that he recommends is always outside of the ordinary for you

The First Step To Find Your Own Self Is Distinguishing What Is The False Self, What Is The "Not You".

Sophie Benshitta Maven Tweet The First Step To Find Your Own Self Is Distinguishing What Is The False Self, What Is The “Not You”. Here is a spiritual practice I’d like you to start

Duality: is that the trouble with the Universe, or the nature of the Universe?

Tweet I have been attracting new people, a new breed of people, people that have been on the spiritual path. They litter their emails and their speakings with generalities and rules that they learned from their teachers and gurus, one-ness,

Vibrational Review: Gabrielle Bernstein, author of ‘May Cause Miracles’, ‘Spirit Junkie’

Personal vibration: 230 Truth value of teaching: 270 Course of Miracles truth value: 280 My personal take on it: socially and politically correct drivel… talking about it. Her hook is

Vibrational Review: The Silva Method

I have never done anything with the Silva Method, except a presentation imagery with Laura Silva that I found ineffective. Here are the vibrational frequencies of Laura and Isabel Silva and the method itself. Laura Silva vibration: 250 Isabel Silva … Continue reading →

Read More http://www.yourvibration.com/2688/vibrational-review-silva-method/
Raise Your Vibration: Connect To Source teaches you how to connect to Source (God?) so you can live your life’s purpose, get answers, more

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