Rose Colored Glasses, Hope, and other stuff that takes you out of the present moment

The purveyors of hope
When “picking” a state of being, an attitude, a mindset, conventional wisdom can be detrimental to our well-being.

Unless you are a prisoner in a concentration camp, and what’s predictable is that you will not make it out alive, hope is a very bad-for-you state to pick. But even there, unless it gives you actions that keep you alive longer, that make you take care of yourself, hope as a being, hopeful is the right word, will be just a feeling… and you know how it is with feelings: they come and go at their own accord: you can’t control feelings. Hope and hopeless are the two sides of the same coin. Being doesn’t have a flip side.

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You can become happy… by practicing one action

Sophie Benshitta Maven
Happiness is a function of accepting what is. Life is like this weird rose… doesn’t look the way it should… orderly, smooth, safe, winning, beautiful, etc… Hard to accept, hard to even tolerate… Right? What is accepting what is? Accepting … Continue reading →

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Raise Your Vibration: Connect To Source teaches you how to connect to Source (God?) so you can live your life’s purpose, get answers, more

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