Vibrational Review: David Morelli: Enwaken course for coaches, Everything is Energy… blah blah blah

I am writing this review because people are searching for it on this site, so here you have it. David Morelli, coach to the wannabe coaches, I guess.

Landmark Education video on how to have a breakthrough in raising a lot of money… and my story Part Two

Sophie Benshitta Maven I left it off in my previous (part one) article, that I signed up for the “thing” that this guy said made him so happy and smiley. I wanted it more than anything.

Landmark Education: worth watching video and my story – Part One

I was first introduced to Landmark it was called something else, Werner Erhard and Associates.

From My Correspondence: Can you help me: My Kundalini rose and messed me up!

A reader sent me this email. There is nothing personal about it: it could happen to you what happened to them. This is why I want to you read it.

Vibrational Review: Teal Scott The Spiritual Catalyst, Author Of The Sculptor In The Sky

Teal Scott The Spiritual Catalyst, Author Of The Sculptor In The Sky her vibration is 200. I listened to one of her videos (visual puts ME in my mind, so I can’t feel her feelings!).