Is this feeling mine? The most important use of muscle testing – updated

I am sitting here by my computer feeling devastated. In despair. On the verge of crying. I have no reason to feel this way. Things are OK, I am OK. WTF! right? So I muscle test. Is this mine? No. Is this coming from my next door neighbor? yes/no OK? it is coming from there … Continue reading “Is this feeling mine? The most important use of muscle testing – updated”

Epigenetics… the path of human evolution: from human to human being

How I use the energy that I download during the Days of Power After I moved out of my parents’ home, I met this guy who became my boy friend. My first boy friend. He was a philosophy student, son of a well known philosopher. I didn’t understand a word they were talking. When I […]

You hope you have high vibration… but what if you don’t know what high vibration is?

I am getting hundreds of requests for Starting Point Measurements. That includes me measuring your vibration… human vibration, vibrational frequency, whatever you call it… Ultimately there is one thing in common among the emotional responses: disappointment. A lot of people think that their numbers, their vibration should be higher. Why? Because they are good people. …

Ambition versus Desire… Why ambition has become a dirty word, and who does it serve?

I spent yesterday reading the novel the 1997 Dutch film (Character) was based upon. Of course they changed a few things, and the film left me in deep quandary. The title didn’t make sense. The whole dynamic didn’t make sense. So I read the book. Most movies’ ending is clear… this is probably only the …

People who make fast and good decisions, go further in life. Success loves speed

Since the last article, I’ve kept on poking at simplicity… and the idea of decision making came up… fast and furious. I didn’t expect it. Like everything else, this rabbit hole is a mile deep, but I can see that the benefits of seeing what’s there are priceless… People who make fast and good decisions, […]

The bucket of crabs… or can you grow? Are you allowed to grow?

There are two planes where existence can be experienced: the horizontal plane and the vertical plane. They are not different places, they are different dimensions of the same thing, different ways to look at them, from different places in reality. …

Where there is anger there is a lie underneath…

How your integrity, or the lack of it is one of the keys to your raising your vibration, or not raising it… Yesterday we had a last session of the course, From Upset to Communication. The call was nearly all …

How Many Different Ways Do You Know Your Mind Keeps You From Hearing What’s Being Said?

How Many Different Ways Do You Know Your Mind Keep You Trapped In A Dead End Loop Of Activity? I’ve told you about me, finally, awakening that there is a mosquito invasion in every window of my duplex. So I’ve …

Humans are designed to be continuous learning machines. If you aren’t a learning machine, you have stopped being a human.

Humans are designed to be continuous learning machines. If you aren’t a learning machine, you have stopped being a human. New people to interact with, new ways to do things, new way to accomplish, new things to experience and interpret …

Why Is It So Hard to Change? A new (for me) look at what’s under the hood…

changeWhy is it so difficult to change? I am in the business of causing change… Causing you to cause change for yourself… Because ultimately YOU cause the change, YOUR actions cause the change… I am pointing you towards the actions …