DNA… how many strands of dna does a human have? Eric Pearl and his reconnection method

eric_pearl_bookLet’s talk about DNA… frauds, misinformation, bull crap

I am reading Eric Pearl’s book, something or other Reconnection.

The book has a 2% truth value. Which means that 98 percent of it is untrue. And 20% of it is deliberate lie… the rest is delusion, tree of knowledge, etc.

I read the book on Kindle, and I am at 40% in reading it.

I am reading it as a novel, a fantastical story, and as such, it is funny, witty…

He meant it as telling the truth, and teaching how to heal people…

I watched all episodes of the Mentalist, where the guy, the main character, plays a once fraud, who could talk to the d

How to activate your relationship with your consciousness so you can be guided

activating-dormant-abilitiesMost things that happen inside you, inside Team-YOU, (Team You: body: feelings/emotions, mind, soul, ego, subconscious, history/ancestry, cells/DNA, self/identity, Self, consciousness)) are below your conscious awareness.

Most of the abilities, most of the DNA capacities I activate, need you to get aware of the happenings inside you, or you’ll lose out.

What do I mean “lose out”?

When you pay $25 for the activation of a capacity, an ability becomes available to you. If you don’t use it, you lose the $25. But what more you lose depends on the game you play in life.

Life, looked through the filter of games… Is life a game?


In the game of life, when you are losing, or not winning, the two things that can be missing are moves and DNA capacities.

The game goes the way the game goes, but you can play well and with a full deck, or not. Life deals a hand that you can play to win, and you can play to lose…

Each game in life has moves. Winning moves, and losing moves. You can have all the winning moves if you can’t see the consequences of your actions, you won’t win. And even if you see the consequences of your actions (capacity), if you don’t have moves, you still lose.

You have to have the capacities and you have to

What are the symptoms of an activated DNA capacity? Like The Sight, aka the Third Sight.

It's not going to be easy, but it's going to be worth itHow will you know if the DNA capacity of seeing the consequences of your actions, aka The Sight is working for you or not?

I just realized, this very minutes, that the language of the effect of the capacity used is misleading.

When I say: Let’s look: you look with your eyes, even if I tell you to look with your Self… your Consciousness.

When I say: see the consequences of your actions: you’ll try to see something with your eyes, right?

But here is the problem: they eyes are an outward organ, only a

The distinction between behavior and capacity… doing and being

self-trustA new student of mine writes:

I think self trust is a big challenge for me, and building self trust is necessary as a foundation before I can trust others and build authentic relationships. I gain self trust by genuinely provide value and service to others. There is no short cut in gaining self trust and trust from others, and I need to build my skills and deliver my value solidly step by step, like building from the ground up to a skyscraper.

In my current choice in career path between the two opportunities, the important thing to consider is not what job it is, but rather which job allows me to use my skills to provide

People who say the whole truth was revealed to them are lying. Even if their name was Moses…

moses made up a whole story from an insightThe nature of “revelation” is that you get a glimpse beyond the veil, then the veil closes.

People who talk about “grand” revelations are filling in the gaps in sight and memory with their imagination, that is why most things you read have a very low truth value. 1%-10%… very few over 20%.

So what is the process that allows revelation to create a system of higher truth value?

My experience has been that experimentation, using the fresh and dramatic information as a starting point, you start to poke the edges of the unkn

Sight DNA activated? Let’s look! is the cheerful battle cry that opens the door to seeing

why-do-some-people-just-seem-to-have-all-the-luck-1-728I am getting more and more insights about The Sight activator that activates the capacity to see the consequences of your actions.

People, you, don’t trust themselves. They don’t believe, they don’t trust that an aspect of them, the Consciousness, sees things they didn’t see, heard things they didn’t hear.

How does that happen?

When you are busy doing other things, or being angry, for example, the Consciousness isn’t

Your soul correction points to missing DNA capacities…

reclaim_your_life…or behaviors that ignore capacities, or both.

My soul correction is Forget Thyself… arrogance, and already knowing it all… so the biggest missing capacities for this soul correction are the sight, seeing the consequences of your actions.

The second capacity is consistency: actually remembering that there is a sight, and one must look before one can see… very hard for me to learn and be consistent.

Now, what is the usefulness of a “diagnosis” like that?

If you don’t have the capacity active, you can ask me to activate it.
If you don’t have the behavior, then you can ask m

Can your sight be helpful if you don’t look?

The willingness to look is a behavior, it’s an attitude, and therefore cannot be activated.

If you act without looking, or if you act from what is stored in your mind, then the activator of the capacity to see the consequences of your actions won’t make any difference.

There is a prerequisite to seeing: and that is looking.

And most of you do not have the habit to look…

One of the arrogant behaviors is to not look. I do it, you do it.

Is that a stupid behavior? Yeah, it is. And stupid as the stupid does… that is why I am stupid, and you are stupid too.

Whenever I remember that I am stupid, it is a reminder to look… and then the capacity of seeing the consequences of my action kicks in… and voila, I make a smart decision from what I see.

So you see, stupid is not a capacity or the lack of it, stupid is behavior.

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What is a DNA capacity activator, what is a DNA activation? What else can be activated? What changes when it is activated?

your intrinsic value can only be seen by someone who had that appreciation DNA capacity turned onThis article expresses a turning point in my work… read it fully if you can.

Some of you may wonder why I am not starting the new Second Phase Activators course… after all I have done it three years ago…

But truth be told… I have learned so much in these three years… that the new course needs a lot of work… maybe not a lot of time, but a lot of thought and technology. And now that I am working on