Are you tough enough to deserve the good life?


To get what you want, you have to deserve what you want. The world is not yet a crazy enough place to reward a whole bunch of undeserving people.

I am continuing the inquiry into curiosity… the intrinsic motivation of humans… how you lost it, how to rekindle it… and what might be in the way.

I am going to use myself, because curiosity is so rare, and so relatively unconscious, unobserved, and unacknowledged, that I don’t even know who I could ask about their own experience… Let’s hope that this state of affairs will change soon.

The hectic, information driven culture in which we live, where everyone considers themselves eligible to post

Self trust… a linchpin capacity… or how do you develop yourself to be able to move forward?

scared-to-take-the-next-stepMany of my coaching students are at a crucial point in their lives where unless something happens, they probably won’t move forward.

Fear, unclarity, self-centeredness, belligerence…

The main attitude is different. Not one person resembles another in what seems to block their path.

It’s the coach’s brilliance, creativity, insight that will either make a difference or not. What is clear is this: unless someone or something helps them through… they will stay this side of the great barrier.

Great responsibility, but I am up for it.

What is the capacity I need to be OK with this responsibility? It is self-trust. Self trust says: I can dea

In search of the linchpin DNA capacity that is blocking your evolution

do-you-see-that-i-am-brokenIn this article I will talk about DNA capacities activation.

Let’s talk about the failures, people where in spite of my effort, the capacities did not activate…

Let me start with the accusations a commenter threw at me/us: that the positive results may be due to time spent with me, instead of DNA capacities getting active in you.

I would ask the same question, and have.

Some results are definitely placebo.

I have now reliably pegged, identified the people that will, every time, provide me with glowing testimon