Bridging… how to inch your way to your dreams

As a rule, I don’t have many marker feelings in a day.

A marker feeling is a feeling associated with a set of words… like “you are stupid” and then you feel bad.
Or “you are making a mistake” and you feel fear.

This morning I wanted to work on my presentation on tomorrow’s webinar: the remarkable system of getting to a life worth living… or whatever i called it in the email…

So, as it is totally normal, not a single cell of mine wants to do that work. It’s normal.

Doing something new, doing something public, upsets the ess… it’s not comfortable… it is not what I normally do day in and day out.

Now, if the work were to write an article… none of this would happen. But the webinar format is different.

Drinking 8 glasses of Water Makes You Fat? Yes, if it is not coherent energized water!

Drinking 8 glasses of water per day makes you FAT?

Yes, water that is not compatible with your body, that is not coherent, will cause you to put on weight. And the same is true with any food that is not a perfect match to your body.

All foods are toxic… but some your body is used to, through thousands of years of your ancestry developing a tolerance to the toxin in those few foods.

That’s what scientists are saying, and you’ll never guess the reason why. (Hint: It’s NOT water weight they’re talking about)

Don’t pour yourself another glass of water until you’ve watched this alarming v

Will Practicing Compassion Make You A Better Human?

How To Raise Your Vibration? Become A Better Human Being, Practice Compassion

What is gooD? wHAT IS the definition OF GOOD?

The first question that you should ask when I suggest you become a better human being, is ‘what do you mean: better?’

So far I have never had anyone ask that question. Why is that? Because we live our lives based on assumptions.

One assumption is that we fully understand the meaning of the words we hear.

As a foreigner I learned every single word. And struggled mightily with five-dollar words that describe a better human being.

I came to the USA when I was 38 years old. By that age I had 29 years of academic study under my belt. By that age I

Life is unnecessarily hard for us. How do I know?

I have found, that the biggest ‘deterrent’ for me from getting something new done is a version of visual/mental overwhelm: when my wires get crossed.

Any occurrence of not understanding something begins the process.

As a dyslexic, this happens quite often, especially when there is a form to fill out: what is most likely normal for people with a normal brain is gobbledygook, meaningless or made unintelligible by excessive use of abstruse technical terms to me.

Now, it is not necessarily their fault…

As I am working in tandem with my marketing client, it is clear that he has none of my difficulties. He has other difficulties, but not brain scramble difficulties.

Now, why am I sharing this?

Busy mind?

peace-of-mind1What creates confidence? Is confidence a skill, a feeling? Neither… it is Stepping out of your mind…

I don’t know if you have ever considered, but having something intelligent to say about anything takes studying and takes intelligent, independent thinking and a lot of experimenting.

Life and the Universe is holographic, which means that in a drop of water the whole ocean is present: studying deeply the drop of water gives you nearly everything you need to know about the ocean.

This is especially true about humans, the human behavior, human feelings, human thoughts.

When I decided to make confidence my next area of study, I didn’t know much about the topic: in fact I knew nothing useful, nothing. I didn’t know

My hunch: I’ll be bumbling towards clarity for a while

My new job is to take you, to lead you, to help you come out of the cave of the mind.

A prison break. Not unlike to the Exodus the Bible talks about: the Jews leaving the shadow world of Egypt for the Promised Land…

What is that cave? It is filled with words… filled with interpretation of facts, but it contains none of the facts.

It is a shadow world…

It is only as colorful as your language… not very. It has no time… no past, no future, no place to get to, nothing to achieve…

Contrary to what sages teach: it is always in the present seems forever, fretting from a future that is predicted by a past.

One could say that living in the mind you are m

Epigenetic Shift

In this work we talk about Epigenetic Shift a lot.

Epigenetics is the study of heritable changes in gene function that do not involve changes in the DNA sequence…

The 160 spiritual capacities are part of the human DNA, but the capacities are either expressed or suppressed.

You live life, successfully or not successfully depending on the number of capacities that are expressed.

The spiritual practices we create are designed to activate capacities that are needed for a successful life.

It is the hardest thing to do, yet it’s possible. But if you have no capacities active yet, it is really hard…

Read the original article: Epigenetic Shift