Drinking 8 glasses of Water Makes You Fat? Yes, if it is not coherent energized water!

Drinking 8 glasses of water per day makes you FAT?

Yes, water that is not compatible with your body, that is not coherent, will cause you to put on weight. And the same is true with any food that is not a perfect match to your body.

All foods are toxic… but some your body is used to, through thousands of years of your ancestry developing a tolerance to the toxin in those few foods.

That’s what scientists are saying, and you’ll never guess the reason why. (Hint: It’s NOT water weight they’re talking about)

Don’t pour yourself another glass of water until you’ve watched this alarming video.

A man almost lost his life because he committed this mistake.

In it, you’ll get a full list of other “hidden” weight gainers which are adding several inches to your belly right now.

Plus, you’ll find out how many glasses of water you really SHOULD be drinking if you want to rapidly slim down.

PS: I have found that I myself learned stuff I have missed about health, metabolism, and exercise… The program is good, highest truth value I have measured in a long time (50%).

If you buy it, I will have some additional teaching for you, stuff that I have distinguished on my own, and have tested it myself. Just let me know you’ve bought it.

I’ll start in October, so you have time to do your own studying ahead of time.

Read the original article: Drinking 8 glasses of Water Makes You Fat? Yes, if it is not coherent energized water!

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