What is your Self, your Dharma? Can you find it? Can you define yourself?

I have been doing a lot of work while I seemingly do nothing… or not much. Something is driving me… I used to say it this way: “I can’t do no other”… I am very fond of weirdly worded things, because they poke a hole in the cultural fabric and allow things to be seen …

Your life story is like a black hole. Your Bach Flower profile shows how…

Your tendency is to remember the story. Not what happened but your story. And to tell the story in a predictable manner… always the same way, always showing you in the same role, the same exact way. A story is a narrative of reality. It talks from one particular vantage point, and therefore it is […]

Guidance, oracle… the final interpretation is up to you

It’s Tuesday and Rob Brezsny’s syndicated horoscopes landed in my inbox. I read mine, and my blood turned cold. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): In the coming weeks, you might want to read the last few pages of a book before you decide to actually dive in and devour the whole thing. I also suggest you […]

Why you rarely get what you want…

The biggest challenge for a person with high vibration is to be able to stay relevant in the eyes of people who have low vibration. Exactly the way the rich gets richer and the poor gets poorer, the high vibration person begets (give rise to; bring about.) higher vibration, and the low vibration begets (give […]

What are you building with that?

What are you building with that? This question was my absolute favorite in Landmark Education’s Communication Course… I have tried to ask it of people outside of Landmark, and the answers I always got was puzzled silence. So, what am I asking here? Well, you are always building something. A more popular but less precise […]

If it is easy to get, then it is worthless… Anything worthwhile is hard to master

One of my students gave me a kindle book for my birthday. It’s a book about practicing, for teachers. The gift book came right on the heels of an insight I haven’t shared with you. I finished my third reading Ayn Rand’s 1500 page philosophical novel. I still don’t have my own words to say …