Knowledge is power… but not all knowledge

the-only-thing-worse-than-being-blind-is-havingPeople want to become the person they are in their dreams…

They are not that way… obviously.

Becoming that person is like being a Michelangelo at the stone quarry looking at a block of marble and seeing if the sculpture they see with their mind’s eye fits it.

If it doesn’t fit, you need a bigger block of marble.

But no matter how big a block you choose, it will take two kinds of work to get to the David of your imagination: the work of awareness and the work of chiseling.

Chiseling is the easy part… honestly. I bet you thought that was the hard part.

Updated: A man of understanding never thinks, he simply looks at the fact. The very look reveals

This article was written around my darkest hour… It is still valid… but I have added some new insights to it… and I am adding a new distinction: the third brain… The brain that sees accurately through pattern recognition… I … Continue reading

Live like a White Peacock… do things for the love of doing things…

side-peacockI love reading. My favorite books tear down the proverbial curtain of the Wizard of Oz.

And my favorite activities… you could guess, are when I can tear down the curtain… and actually show the naked reality of things…

I find delight in it.

I used to be a dreamer, an escape artist, an avoider.

I saw reality so distasteful, myself so unattractive and unbecoming, that I went into daydreaming, and fantasizing, and imagery to find solace.
I haven’t become more attractive, but I have stopped hoping that being attractive, or heroic, or good, or altruistic, or brilliant, or whatever would buy me something I’d actually want.

The third thinking brain… immersion: the secret to mastery of life and growth

immersion therapyThe first thinking brain, the genes driven brain creates a life of reactivity, full of fear, full of anxiety, full of sharp turns and devastating jerks. I’ve lived there… and I hated it.

The second thinking brain, the one that evaluates, reasons, figures stuff out, is slow and plodding, and hard work. Creates real solutions, keeps you out of trouble… but not really fun.

And then there is the third thinking brain… the work of thinking is done in the background, on the back burner, while the foreground is silent, resting, or busy learning something new..

That is where I live now.

I am getting a few questions about that, and I decided to tell you as much as I can see… the mechani

Witness a “measure my vibration” conversation… very educational

open-micThis is a conversation between a person who sent me a donation to find out his vibration.

The conversation worth quoting: I say a lot of important things there… so please read and heed.

Please measure my vibration. Here is my $5 donation….

On 03/08/2016 16:41, Sophie wrote:

your vibration is 170

your main motivator is greed… and therefore it is your biggest stumbling block.

you need to change your context or greed will suffocate you and your life.

If I needed to recommend something, I’d recommend my 67 step coaching program, because it gently expands your cone of vision to include all of your life, and then further, to include Life.

It is a long term