How do you see yourself? how accurate is your self-image?

skiff ... are you in sync or out of sync with your self-image?The inner view and the outer view of who you are are vastly different. Your chances for success, love, happiness depend on the accuracy of your self-image. ((self-im·age
noun: self-image; plural noun: self-images

the idea one has of one’s abilities, appearance, and personality.
“sickness is an affront to one’s self-image and dignity”))

Do you know that people see you differently than you see yourself? And both you and other people see you differently than you actually are.

You may see yourself worse or better or just plain different than you really are… and so do others.

Your life would work better if the two views were closer. You’d h

How to live a meaningful life, find and live your life’s work, and my podcast

Humans are meaning making machines… and unconscious of the fact that all meaning comes from them. We want to know what something means, so we can be prepared for the danger or the good fortune that the meaning carries inside … Continue reading → Related Posts: Does Your Life Lack Meaning? Lack Purpose? An Organizing […]

The Anna Karenina Principle… or how to find and follow your path successfully

My name is Sophie Benshitta Maven
I am a true empath, and energy master, and a coach. I coach people to become expanding human beings… the next level of human evolution.
my site is

This  podcast is about The path to happiness, fulfillment, and a life lived well?

there are two dramatically different approaches to self-growth.

The first will give you advice on what to do and promises that all those many actions will surely take you to where you want to go.

The second will use the Anna Karenina principle… where Lev Tolstoy says: Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.,

The Anna Karenina principle describes an endeavor in which a deficiency in any one of a number of factors dooms it to failure. Consequently, a successful endeavor (subject to this principle) is one where every possible deficiency has been avoided.

My understanding is that if you teach that the strait and narrow of finding your way leads through avoiding all possible deficiencies, faults, and false moves, will lead you through the strait.

You may be able to see people ahead of you in the strait, but no matter how hard you look, their actions may inform you, but the same actions, done by you may land you on the rocks… because most of what those people did was below the visible, even below their consciousness level.

On the other hand you also see people who have landed on the rocks, and their failures, mistakes, delusions, and wrong approaches are more visible…

Your job is to learn from both

But how?

You need to become a master of patterns and distinctions.

It is not an accident that there are so few happy and successful people on the planet.

Success without happiness is very frequent.
Happiness without success is rare… happy people don’t advertise that they are happy.

Deficiency in any one of the areas of life will lead to diminished success and diminished happiness.

Areas as sexual attraction, money issues, parenting, religion, in-laws

Or for a life well lived, you can’t neglect your health, your finances, your social relationships, and your mental well being. thinking biases, cognitive.

In my coaching, I take people through 67 steps where they contintually re-examine their lives in the face of 100 or so distinctions, patterns, and principles.

Through this examination, people grow towards the light, even thought the principles were at what to avoid.

This is the best coaching I have ever found and the results talk for themselves: people whose purpose is to grow, grow tall and straight and in the direction of happiness, success, and health.

Soul Correction: How do you do it?

life-blockedSoul correction is the pivoting point, the fulcrum around which a person can go from gene driven to someone who can become, potentially, an expanding human being.

Said in another way, each person has a particular and typical to their soul correction way that is stuck in a lower way of being.

The most frequent question I hear: how do you fix it? or as one my students said it: “this whole thing turns a lot of corners. I’m not sure i can even recognize all the ways i use it. Nor how to climb out of it.”

The answer will surprise you: The moment you are trying to “climb out of it” or “fix it”… you enter a world of pretense.

Both climbing out and fixing are the genes’ way of pulling the wool over your eyes. To push back