How To Get Your "Heaven On Earth" Energy, the 5th Phase of ascension?

How To Get Your “Heaven On Earth” Energy, the 5th Phase of ascension? The Heaven on Earth energy bundle contains the antidote for all the bad feelings, all the character flaws, all the selfishness you can have. It is a one-command energy download , coming straight from Source.

Vibrational Reviews: reader requests. Numerologists, internet marketers, self improvement gurus, a billionaire… oh my! lol

Celebrity numerologist Tania Gabrielle (I’d be very curious about her truth value) personal vibration: 320; truth value: 230 Caldean numerologist Joanna Justis: personal vibration: 230; truth value: 200 highest paid hand analyst Baeth Davis: personal vibration: 190; truth value: 180 Eidetic imagery therapist Wendy Yellen: personal vibration: 200; truth value: 190 EnergyRICH success coach, Heather Dominick: personal vibration: 200; truth value (energyrich): 195 Jim Rohn: 300 Earl Nightengale: 200 Bob Proctor: 200 Richard Branson: 200 (internal state very troubled, might be temporary, normal state: 300) Dan Kennedy: 200 Bill Glazer: 200 Ron LeGrand: 210 Gary Bencivenga: 210 John Carlton: 200 Nido Qubein: 200 Dr. Joe Mercola: 190 Ken McCarthy: 180 Jay Abraham: 210 Gary Halbert: 220 Drayton Bird: 210 Jonathan Mizel: 210 Dr. Glenn Livingston: 210 Yanik Silver: 200 Eben Pagan: 230 Joe Polish: 190 Russell Brunson: 200 Brendon Burchard: 250 (used to be 395! got off truth. Success can do that to you!)

From My Correspondence: Awakening: Will It Feel Good?

From My Correspondence: Awakening: Will It Feel Good? This is a student’s email to me. “I’ve been reading your emails and doing the Unconditional Love Activator and taken the Bach Remedy and I have felt things that I haven’t felt in a while, such as getting angry, wishing others wouldn’t win, etc. I’m sort of miserable and then I was reading one of your latest blogs and you said if we had, I think, Wild Oat, Aspen, Centaury etc.

Are you running on empty?

Are you running on empty ? Yesterday, on the Muscle Testing Workshop one of the students said something, and I started to laugh uncontrollably. I laughed for minutes, it seemed, and could not stop for a long time. I wept more from laughing than most people cry from sadness, lol. I have been observing myself the past two weeks or so, and my joy of life, my satisfaction level, my experience of being alive has been going down steadily with every passing day

Timing Is Everything: when should you get the Unconditional Love Activator and why?

How things work: when should you get the Unconditional Love Activator and why? When you first get your Unconditional Love Activator, the results will vary. Why is that? Why isn’t an activator doing the same thing for everybody? The answer is not as simple as you would like it to be

You Wake Up In The Morning Only Because You Didn’t Die The Night Before

You Wake Up In The Morning Only Because You Didn’t Die The Night Before There is a core group of people that come to every class, every meditation, read most of what I write. You would expect them to rise steadily on the vibrational scale, wouldn’t you? I did. To my dismay they aren’t. Why not?

Vibrational Review: Morgana Rae from Financial Alchemy and The Money Magnet

Morgana Rae from “Financial Alchemy” Her personal vibration: 230. Dominant emotions: Mimulus , Agrimony, Sweet Chestnut, and Elm. Her teaching (truth value): 190 Her typical follower: 90 Dominant feeling: Sweet Chestnut That’s it in a nutshell Morgana Rae .

Vibrational Review: The One Command, Asara Lovejoy, Kathryn Perry, Bonnie Strehlow

Vibrational Review: The One Command Asara Lovejoy from “the One Command” Asara Lovejoy: personal vibration: 200 connects to Source: no, never has enters the theta state: no truth value: 90 Her dominant emotions: Sweet Chestnut, Agrimony, Red Chestnut, Chicory, Cherry Plum (also, there are: Gorse, Larch, Red Chestnut, Vervain, Aspen, Chicory, Olive, Rock Rose, Vine, White Chestnut, Willow, Cherry Plum, Gentian, Holly, Mustard, Pine). Kathryn Perry from “the One Command” personal vibration: 200 Bonnie Strehlow from “the One Command” personal vibration: 190 My summary: The One Command has one thing going for it, its name. Its owners, practitioners, students don’t connect to anything, and if there are any results, it’s all placebo effect . Just look at the founders’ vibration numbers..