Mindfulness? No. Meditation? No. Meditative living? Yes

It was my shopping day yesterday… Through bad design, I have my webinars on the same day as my shopping day. And yesterday I felt creamed by the experience. I dragged myself through, slept like a baby, but I am …

Spiritual pattern recognition, spiritual principles… Should life have rules?

what you resist persists and enslaves youOne gift my father gave me is he encouraged me to not resist. I went through several interpretations of what he meant… I thought resisting made me a person, but I was wrong. Resisting gave the power over to others, …

The bucket of crabs… or can you grow? Are you allowed to grow?

There are two planes where existence can be experienced: the horizontal plane and the vertical plane. They are not different places, they are different dimensions of the same thing, different ways to look at them, from different places in reality. …

Success? Failure? The difference between success and failure: it’s how you look at it.

god is always joking. spirituality is fun. oshoAs I am working to strengthen the integrity of my site (slow going and a lot of mundane work) I re-read some of my earlier articles, and I am amazed how good they are. I wish I could just take …

I downloaded the Days Of Power energy yesterday and it knocked me on my butt

It’s Monday and it’s raining. The perfect weather for what I need to do… I downloaded the Days Of Power energy yesterday and it knocked me on my butt. Honestly, I forgot how strong these energies are: I had taken …

I have added a new measure to the Starting Point Measurements: humility. Humility is the measure whether you can grow or not

True humility is not thinking less of yourself; it is thinking of yourself less. Wrote Rick Warren in The Purpose-Driven Life, where it appears as part of Day 19, “Cultivating Community.” When you have “thinking of yourself” block or filter …

I don’t think you understand how humans are “designed”!

You are born with potentials but no skills. Even breathing is a skill you need to learn. Skills are the atoms of actions. Each action, like a molecule is built of atoms, each activity is made of parts that we …

Where there is anger there is a lie underneath…

How your integrity, or the lack of it is one of the keys to your raising your vibration, or not raising it… Yesterday we had a last session of the course, From Upset to Communication. The call was nearly all …

The dumbing down of the planet: the law of attraction conspiracy Updated

What if the law of attraction is just another way to keep you duped, unthinking, unproductive, and a slave? Just think with me, please: I am going to filter the Law of Attraction through my own life, my own experiences …

Changing the future: the challenge is on the seed level! Updated

seed level: attend to the rootsChanging your future: what is the challenge on the seed level? (originally published in 2011) In the last article I have set up the issue: you need to know where you are and you need to decide where you are …