Soul Correction #39: Diamond in The Rough

A diamonds in the rough looks like a piece of rock. If you don’t expect it, you will treat it as a rock. But if you are willing to go beyond the surface, you will be rich. Few people ever do that

Muscle Testing To Raise Your Vibration

Muscle Testing To Raise Your Vibration I have been trying to get the Muscle Testing program ready for sale, but I have had a snag: the emotions list was too long, too cumbersome, and most people would not be able or willing to go through a list of 100 stages… including myself. Even measuring the vibrational level of each feeling didn’t feel right.

Raise Your Vibrational Frequency Permanently

The Easiest Starting Point To Raise Your Vibrational Frequency I have been researching and investigating the many claims of raising your vibrational frequency . There is an important distinction to be made here: Although there is the map of consciousness, and there is the method of Abraham/Hicks, they are a feel good method and do not raise your vibration any longer than as long as you are willing to do those methods. Not bad, but it is a lot like having a job for a living.

Internet Marketing Beginnings

I had an inspiration this morning: I woke up early. I made myself a cup of tea, went back to bed, and read a little. About an hour later I woke up from a dream of writing THIS article. Here it is, just the way it came to me in my dream:

Did Your Personality Get Put Together vs. You Were Born That Way?

I got a thank you note today. I get quite a few of those, I must admit. They are a great way for me to track how the methodologies and principles I use in my teaching work. I mean, how effective I am, how effective the methods are. They track my ability to make a difference in the world. (Someone please remind me to write about how I view my making a difference…