If it sounds true, it is probably false. If it sounds not true: it is possibly how it is…

divide-and-conquer-how-to-control-a-nationI watched something yesterday that allowed me to have a new insight about the Irish. Note: this is not about the Irish, and not about the Italian, and not about the Chinese… This article is to allow you a glimpse into the dynamic of war, vengeance, the eye for an eye…

The more temperamental a group is, the easier it is to dominate them, to play them, to incite them to kill, go to war.

The Irish is a temperamental bunch, and the killing, terrorism, has been going on for man

Life Is Not Working? Relationships Are Not Working? Look at Integrity… Maybe It’s What’s Out

Without Integrity 1 Nothing Works. Sounds Good. Sounds Weird. It’s True! But Why