Vibrational Review: Star Seed, Walk-in, Indigo children, lightworkers,, Lavandar, dr Belva, Arielle A Sacred Circle of Psychic Seers, Metaphysicians, and Master Astrologers specializing in answers and galactic/spiritual guidance for Star Seed, Walk-Ins, etc. Vibration: 200. Why so low?

Vibrational Review: Morgana Rae from Financial Alchemy and The Money Magnet

Morgana Rae from “Financial Alchemy” Her personal vibration: 230. Dominant emotions: Mimulus , Agrimony, Sweet Chestnut, and Elm. Her teaching (truth value): 190 Her typical follower: 90 Dominant feeling: Sweet Chestnut That’s it in a nutshell Morgana Rae .

Vibrational Review: The One Command, Asara Lovejoy, Kathryn Perry, Bonnie Strehlow

Vibrational Review: The One Command Asara Lovejoy from “the One Command” Asara Lovejoy: personal vibration: 200 connects to Source: no, never has enters the theta state: no truth value: 90 Her dominant emotions: Sweet Chestnut, Agrimony, Red Chestnut, Chicory, Cherry Plum (also, there are: Gorse, Larch, Red Chestnut, Vervain, Aspen, Chicory, Olive, Rock Rose, Vine, White Chestnut, Willow, Cherry Plum, Gentian, Holly, Mustard, Pine). Kathryn Perry from “the One Command” personal vibration: 200 Bonnie Strehlow from “the One Command” personal vibration: 190 My summary: The One Command has one thing going for it, its name. Its owners, practitioners, students don’t connect to anything, and if there are any results, it’s all placebo effect . Just look at the founders’ vibration numbers..

Vibrational Review: GRAND Master Internasional Reiki Tummo Irmansyah Effendi, "the highest vibration person on the planet"

Irmansyah Effendi review : Personal vibration: 400 (highest possible is 1000) Does he connect to Source? No. a review of one of his students His belief system: vibration: 0 (utter horses-h-i-t) His meditation (smiling, heart): 90 It raises your vibration: no

Vibrational Review: vibration of feelings commonly used as desirable and raising your vibration

Smiling: 310 Warm fuzzy feeling of love: 260 Feeling oneness: 290 This is a growing list… check back soon.

Vibrational review: eric pepin and the in-between and Multi-Dimensional Consciousness and Higher Balance

Vibrational review: eric pepin and the in-between and Multi-Dimensional Consciousness and Higher Balance I listened in to a webinar, because I love the phrase: in-between. I think that’s the only thing I like about Eckhart Tolle. But what I found in the In-between webinar is disappointing. Here are the numbers for Eric Pepin and his stuff: Eric Pepin, personally: vibrational frequency: 195 His stuff, his teaching: 175. That is the level of truth and the level of connection to the truth

Vibrational review: zero point energy healing, the zero point wand

Vibrational review: zero point energy healing tool: the zero point wand asking Source:does it work? NO Vibrational frequency of the idea and the method: 75 What’s your opinion on this? Vibrational review: zero point energy healing, the zero point wand is a post from: Connect To Source: Raise Your Vibration

Vibrational review: A Course in Miracles

Vibrational review: A Course in Miracles People swear by it. Then I look at the people. Their results, their attitude in life. and I wonder. So finally I decided to muscle test its vibrational frequency

Vibrational review: Burt Goldman, Paradigm Jumping, The American Monk

Vibrational review: Burt Goldman, Paradigm Jumping, The American Monk Burt Goldman, the person: 250 Paradigm Jumping aka Quantum Jumping : 500. Please note that paradigm jumping (Quantum Jumping) is even easier if you use the Tangerine Connection while jumping. An ingenious method The American Monk : 290 Post a comment below…

Vibrational Review: Caroline Cory,

Raise your Vibration by Connecting to Source Video Raise your Vibration by Connecting to Source Video – Connecting To Source Meditation with Caroline Cory, This unique “Connection To Source” allows you to spontaneously raise your vibration , merge with your … The OMnium Method, developed by Caroline Cory, is a revolutionary healing technique that allows the spontaneous alignment of the physical cells and the human energy field with the Universal-Source Frequency (beyond planetary and galactic) and provides an instant and permanent cellular reprogramming. This method essentially recalibrates your entire physical being to the Universal (Source) Frequency and allows you to return organically to your original vibrational blueprint that is healthy, whole, connected and properly aligned. My vibrational review:  Caroline Cory’s personal vibration:  200.  Meditation: 245. Why so low?