What Is the Important Job I Am Supposed to Do Now, That Is So Urgent That I Am Banned From Measuring People’s Vibration?

What is the important job I am supposed to do now, that is so urgent that I am banned from measuring people’s vibration? The job, guiding people, humanity, to the next evolutionary step, has been anything but a straightforward, linear progression. It’s a team job, Source, my core group, and I, are working as a close-knit team. Partners in trouble… as the Hungarian word, bajtars would say it.

Turning Points: How to Create Them in Your Life? Part 1

Turning Points In this article I am going to illustrate ways to create a turning point in your life. I will highlight the words ” turning point ” so you won’t miss it. If you can learn at least one method, your life will never be the same. I guarantee it. In my conversations with people, what I see, more than anything, is that they don’t know how to turn things around

Fertility or Infertility Is Big Business… and You Are Willing to Fund It

Fertility or infertility is big business… and you are willing to fund it One of the richest doctors in Syracuse, NY is a fertility doctor. I have been to his “office” and it can compete with any five-star spa both in pretentiousness and in luxury. It’s plush, simply put.

Vibrational Review: vibration of feelings commonly used as desirable and raising your vibration

Smiling: 310 Warm fuzzy feeling of love: 260 Feeling oneness: 290 This is a growing list… check back soon.

Guru X and the attack on my webinar account: who is going to win?

Guru X and the attack on my webinar account: who is going to win? Remember: Evil is “desire for the self alone” at someone else’s expense, or violating another’s right to free will. Dark Side therefore the “conspiracy” of humans to continue living with “desire for the self alone.” I don’t think that there is such an entity “Dark Side.” There are people whose whole life was built on the foundation of evil, or at least their business. For example, Guru X has his eyes on world domination

Vibrational review: A Course in Miracles

Vibrational review: A Course in Miracles People swear by it. Then I look at the people. Their results, their attitude in life. and I wonder. So finally I decided to muscle test its vibrational frequency

Soul Correction: Global Transformation

Soul Correction: Global Transformation With a title like that, you would expect that a soul correction like that will encourage the human to direct all their attention outward and try to change, improve, transform other people’s lives. But when it comes to soul correction, normal societal logic doesn’t apply. If you want to cause anything outside of you, you really have to cause it inside of you.

Why Am I Miserable? Why You Are Miserable? The Most Binding Agreements Are The Ones You Never Made

Why Am I Miserable? Why You Are Miserable? The Most Binding Agreements Are The Ones You Never Made I had a session with a client. The conversation went to one of my ‘favorite’ topics: why wives stop wanting intimacy after the children are born. This is a big issue for men, and destroys many marriages

3 Coaches, Avoiding Confrontation, What’s Your Filter?

3 Coaches, Avoiding Confrontation, What’s Your Filter? I now have three coaches. Three different people, three different styles, three different world views. the only thing that is common among them is that they represent a world view polar opposite to mine. Why would I hire coaches so different from me

Can Addictions Be Cured By Energy Treatments, Meditation, Law of Attraction, Even Activation? Any Idea? Read This Post To Be Surprised…

I am pissed. I mean P-I-S-S-E-D. Somebody has got to say it, and it might as well be me… because the party line is so entrenched, the party line is so popular, that it takes courage the size of Mount Everest to raise your hand and say something unpopular.